HCA 13/70 f.426v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 426 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/15 |
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On the 21th day of June 1655.
Slany and Chappell against}
Stanliffe. Budd Smith}
John Peirse of Saint Olaves in Hartstreete
London Wine=Cooper, where he hath
lived about nine yeares last past, a
wittnes produced and sworne on the behalfe
of the said Slany and Chappell, and being
examined he deposeth and saith as followeth
To the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth articles
of the sayd Libell he cannot depose
To the seventh. eighth and ninth articles of the sayd Libell he
deposeth and saith that he the deponent being by trade a
Wine Cooper was employed by the said Slany and Chappell in
the Cooperage of the goods which were brought ashoare from
aboard the shipp the George of London Libellate, And by that
reason he came to know very well that (he being present when
the barrells of Ratsins Solis belonging to the said producents
were taken out of the arlate Lighter the ffrench Lighter) about
fifty barrells of the sayd Raysins were much damnifyed by
receiving of wett in the sayd Lighter, and that the said
wett and damage unto the said Raysins did come by the badnes
of the said Lighter for that the outside of the sayd barrells were of this deponents
sight and knowledge wett at their taking and delivering out of
the arlate ffrench Lighter, and that alsoe he the deponent
tasted some of the said damaged raisens Solis, and by his tast found
the damage to be by freshwater, And further to the sayd articles
he cannot depose Saving that about two or three dayes
after the taking up of the said goods this deponent did see the
said Lighter in repayring in the River of Thames, And Saving
That he this deponent was present when Mr Slany one of the
producents did tender the said dammaged goods unto the master of
the said Lighter at his house in Southwarke at the same rates he sold
the un=damaged goods, and the said Mr did not at all deny the said
goods being dammaged in and by the sayd Lighter./
To the tenth article he deposeth and saith that the arlate Slany
and Chappell did receive great losse by their said goods being
damnified, which was valued by [?XXXX] And further he
cannot depose
To the sleaventh he saith that the said damage unto the said goods
did happen and come from and by the insufficiency of the
Lighter arlate, for that there was then noe foule weather whereby
the said damage could happen And further he deposeth not.
To the 12th 13th and 14th articles he referreth himself to the [?Lawe]
and the Registry of this Court And further he cannot
To the last he saith his preceeding deposition is true./
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify
at the request of the producents, and that it will be neither
proffitt nor losse to him this Respondent, which [?XXX XXXX GUTTER]
this cause [?XXXX] And to the rest negatively.