HCA 13/70 f.425r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 425 |
Side | Recto |
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IMAGE: IMG_0463.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/16 | |
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Edited on 15/08/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 19th day of June .1656:-
The Lord Protector against the shipp the Saint Paul}
and her lading and against Captaine Philips.}
Smith. Budd:-}
Examined upon the said Allegation:-
Rp 2us/
John Goodman of the parish of Saint Catherines
Coleman London Wine-Cooper aged 32.
or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined
saith as followeth videlicet:-
To the 11. 12. and 13th Articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
hee this deponent being a Wine Cooper by profession was upon the unlading of
the wynes in Controversie out of the shipp the Saint Paul arlate here at London
employed by the producent Captaine Isaac Philips, and assistant in the
bringing of the said wines into Warehouses, and saith That shortly after
the said wines were soe bestowed, the Commissioners for Prize goods or their
servants or Substitutes caused locks to be putt upon the doores of the sad
warehouses, and would not permitt the said Captaine Phillips to dispose
of the said wynes, but kept them under lock and key for about the space
of two moneths, in the heat of the sommer, during which time the
said Captaine Phillips by himselfe and his Agents did severall times
make adresse to the said Commissioners of Prize goods, requiring that the said
locks might bee taken of from the sellers or warehouses to the interest hee
might dispose of the sayd wines to his best advantage, but the ssaid
Commisioners refusing to take of the said locks still kept then on the
said Cellars or Warehouses, for about two moneths time as aforesaid
after their arrivall here at London, during which time the said wines
were very much perished and deteriorated, insomuch that of this deponents
certaine knowledge, a tunne of those wines which at the then first arrivall
was really worth and usually sold at 14. or 15 li. a tunne, at the time
of their discharge out of the said Cellars or warehouses, would not yield
soe much as the Customes due for the same accounted unto, by meanes
whereof the said Captaine Philips was very much endammaged
but to what valew this deponent saith hee knoweth not, saving that most
of the said wines at their arrivall being worth as abovesaid were at the
time of their discharge not cleerely worth above 4. or 5. li a tunne
The premisses this deponent well knoweth and observed by meanes of
his said profession and employment And further cannot depose.
To the Crosse Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to declare the
trueth of his knowledge in this Cause at the request of Captaine
Isaac Phi;ips. And otherwise negatively:-/
To the 2d hee saith hee hath not soe deposed./:
To the third negatively, And further cannot depose:-/
To the fourth hee saith hee hath not soe deposed
To the 5th hee saith hee hath not soe deposed