HCA 13/70 f.421v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.421v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 27th day of June 1655:

The Clayme of daniel Thyson for the shipp the}
Golden falcon (Anthony Cornelison Master) and}
her lading of wines and syrrupps}

Examined upon the said Allegation

dt. Mr. Beake/


Leonard Thyson of Terveere in Zeeland
Merchant aged 35. yeares or thereabouts a Wittness
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet:/

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the
arlate daniel Thyson in the yeare 1650 last past did give order unto
Anthony Cornelison a Mariner and afterwards Master of the shipp
Golden falcon in Controversie to goe from Terveer to Serdam in holland
and there to cause the said shipp the Golden falcon to bee originally [?built]
for his the said daniel Thyson the producents proper accompt and [?soe ?XXX]
which was accordingy performed, and ever since hee the sayd daniel Thyson
hath been the true lawfull and Sole-Owner of the said shipp and of her
tackle apparrell and furniture, and for and as such was and is well
knowne, and commonly esteemed. The premisses this deponent declareth
to bee true, for that hee this deponent as being brother to the said producent
and dwelling in Terveere aforesaid, where the said producent then dwelt
was familiarly acquainted with the said producents actions and transcations
and bookes of accompts wherein and whereby the said daniel Thyson
did latey appeare to this deponent to bee the true and sole owner of the
said shipp and of her cables apparrell and furniture, and particularly [?XX]
this deponent furnished the first suite of sailes to and for the said shipp by
the producents order and direction, for which this deponent was wholely and
solely paid by the said producent, and for that the said producent during the
time of his residence in Zeeland, and this deponent since the producents
exile thence, did for and upon the said producents proper accompt and at
his sole charges fitt furnish and sett out the said shipp to sea upon the
severall Vpiages which shee performed before the seizure of her. And
further cannot depose:-/

To the second Article hee saith and deposeth, That the said daniel
Thyson the producent in this Cause did by his factors or Agents. videlicet
Joachim Alers and david Branders residing at Mallega in Spaine
in or about the moneths of September and October 1652 [?XXX XXXX]
cause to bee laden aboard his said shipp the Golden falcon then [?being ?in]
or neere the Port of Mallega in Spaine
the quantity of twenty pipes of Mallega wines and one hundred and
thirty quarreels of syrrupp of the first marke in the margent, and


eight and twenty quarreels of syrrupps of the second marke in the


margent, to bee transported in the said shipp from Mallega aforesaid
for and upon the proper and sole accompt and adventure of him the
said daniel Thyson, whho was, is, and ought to be the true and [?XXX]