HCA 13/70 f.41r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 41 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/21 |
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with victualls and necessaries, fully intending (being soe supplied) to
prosecute their voyage for Amsterdam there to make deliverie of the said
goods, but saith that at Bristoll the said shipp and lading were arrested
and stopt by one Mr Gill, but under what pretence
hee knoweth npt. And saith the said shipp after her comming from Guiney
as aforesaid never traded nor came at or to any of the English Ilands
or plantations in the West India's or to any of the Charibbe Ilands
belonging to the English, for hee saith hee sawe her first arivall from
Guiney at Martinica whence after shee had bin there about five monthes
and had taken in only seaventeene rolls of tobaccoe shee departed (and
this deponent in her) and went to Daint Christogers and there
staid only to take in water and bury the said Cornelius ffrederickson and
for companie namely about three weekes space and soe came away as
aforesaid for Amsterdam, and fell into Saint Georges Channell as aforesaid.
And for the further information of the Judges of this Court hee leaveth to be showne
unto them his passes and papers which came to his hands from the said
Cornelius ffrederickson, amongest which there is an Inventary or
schedule of the goods that were as hee saith brought from Martinica
as aforesaid and were aboard at the time of her said staying at
[?Claeijs Tiveni?XXes] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 20th of december 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]
Peter Reyerson of Monickendam in North holland Mariner
aged 26 yeares or thereabout one of the company of the
said shipp the Leopard sworne as aforesaid saith and
deposeth as followeth.
That the shipp the Leopard whereof his precontest Claus T[XXXson] was
master came and arived at Saint Christofers one of the Charibbe Ilands
(where this deponent then was) about a moneth since, and as her master and
company told this deponent shee came from Guiney to Martinica and
thence to Saint Christofers, and at Saint Christofers hee saith hee this deponent
was by the said master hired to goe one of her company for Amsterdam
in the service of the duke of Courland, and accordingly hee imbarqued
himselfe, and saith hee knoweth and observed that from the time of her
first comming to the said Iland of Saint CHristofers to the time of her
departure thence, shee did not trade at all, but only tooke in water
and soe departed for Amsterdam, and that in her course comming into
or neere the Channell, the weather being very darke her master and
company mistooke their course, and by error came into Saint Georges
channell and that the Iland of Lund[?ae] was the first shore they knew
after such their departure from Saint Christofers, and that their provisions
being spent and their sailes all tattered and torne through stormes and
tempest that they had met withall they went for Bristoll intending there
to revictuall and repaire and soe to goe their voyage for Amsterdam their
to dischardge their lading of elephants teeth, 15 Rolls of tobaccoe, foure
chests or thereabouts of corrall, and some ginger (the rest being ballast)
but at Bristoll the sad shipp and goods were staid and there they are still
remayning, And otherwise hee cannot depose
[MARKE] The mark of the said
Oeter Reyerson [MARKE, RH SIDE]