HCA 13/70 f.419r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 419 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/08/15 |
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homewards bound and tooke noe care of shapeing the sayd shpps course
nor kept any Accompt what way shee made, as by his office hee ought to doe
the better to enable him selfe to knowe upon all occasions where shee was and
alsoe avoide such dangers as might ensure for want thereof And further
saving his precedent and following deposition hee cannot depose/
To the 10th hee saith that hee being one of the sayd shipps company
as aforesayd the sayd voyage did take notice
as alsoe many others of the sayd shipps company did that the sayd Richard
ffare through the whole voyage in question was soe negligent of his duty
and unskillfull in the art of piloting a shipp to those parts to which the sayd
voyage was made, that bt reason thereof the sayd shipp Gabriell did
loose many thence in the prosecution of her sayd voyage to the great
damage of the owners of the sayd shipp videlicet to the damage of forty
pounds sterling (as this deponent beleeveth and esteemeth the same) in victualls
extraordinary and wages extraordinary occasioned by his neglect and unskillfulnes
as aforesayd And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 11th saving his foregoeing deposition to whicch hee referreth hee cannot
further depose/
To the 12th and 13th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
and to the lawe and further cannot depose./
To the 14th hee saith the arlate Richard ffare is accompted a subiect of
this Commonwealth And further hee cannot depose/
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
Repeated in Court before the
three judges
Joseph Southwood [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The samd day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd libell./
Charles Gander of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney
Shipwright aged thirty fower yeares or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith tha hee went Carpenter of
the shipp the Angell Gabriell the voyage in question which began
in the moneth of July last past) And saith hee thereby well knoweth that during
the sayd voyage and during all the moneths of November december January
ffebruary March and Aprill last past in this article specified the arlate henry
Southwood was Comonly reputed Master and Commander of the shipp the Angell
Gabriell arlate and to be soe constituted Master by the Owners thereof, And hee
this deponent well knoweth hhee the sayd henry did goe Master and Commander of her
and had the charge and government as master of her during the
whole voyage in question which voyage was made from this Port of London to