HCA 13/70 f.416r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.416r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


well knowne and generally reputed./

To the fourth hee saith, that by meanes of his constant relation to the service
of the said domingo Vaz de Britto, hee hath understood by credible and
constant relation, That the said shipp for the said domingos accompt did
make a Viage from the Westerne Islands to Brazile in the yeare 1653 from whence
shee returned, and made another vouage in the yeare 1654 from the Terreras to the
Maderas, but as to any ensurances made upon the said shipp in both or
either of the said Voiages hee saith hee cannot depose/:-

To the fifth hee saith, That about 8. daies since the said domingo Vaz de Britto
received intelligence from beyond Seas, that his said shipp the Saint
Michael was seized and taken by some Zeelander being on her last
intended Voiage from the Terreras bound for Lisbone, and beleeveth
the said shipp and her Mariners and Companie were and are by the
seizors carried into Zeeland, and now remaine there And soemuch this
rendent hath heard from the said domingo and others of his familie
and his acquaintance here./

the marke of
Hacintho X Baez [MARKE, RH SIDE]

Manuel Rodrig [?interpreter] [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]


The 15th day of June 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

henry Southwood master, and Company: owners of the shipp}
the Angell Gabriell against Richard ffare and}
whomsoever els coming in by way of reconvention
and complaint. Cheeke ffrancklin}

Examined upon a libell given in on the behalfe of the
sayd heny Southwood

Rp. 1

John Southwood of the parish of Saint Magnus London
Mariner aged thirty yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith hee this deponent was and
went Masters mate of the shipp the Angell Gabriell arlate the voyage now contro=
verted and saith that the arlate henry Southwood was and went Master
and Commander of her the sayd voyage and had the care government and
charge of the sayd shipp as Master committed unto him by the Owners
of the sayd shipp and hee this deponent heard daniell Arthur and fferdinando
haspell and one Mr Crossey who are the reputed Owners of the sayd shipp saye
that they had constituted him the sayd henry Southwood Master of the sayd
shipp for the sayd voyage and had committed the care of her as Master to him
the sayd henry during the voyage in question which was begunn from this Port
of London about the moneth of July last to sayle from thence to druntam in
Norway and soe to returne for England to the downes there and
knoweth that the sayd henry Southwood during all and every the moneths of November
december January ffebruary March and Aprill was Master and Commander of the
sayd shipp and soe reputed And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/ [?XXXX GUTTER]