HCA 13/70 f.409r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 409 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/06 |
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To the first and second Interrogatoryes on the behalfe of the
sayd John Steevens administred he deposeth and answereth
that he the Respondent hath knowne the interrate shipp
the London for twenty yeares past, and that he was
Gunner of her in the month of September 1653 when shee
was in this Commonwealths service against the dutch, And
that the interrate shipp the London riding at anchor with the
ffleete under the command of Generall Monke off of Yarmouth
there happened a most strange, violent and tempestuous
storme (for this Rendent (who hath been a seaman these
forty yeares) never saw the like though he hath bin in many)
about the midst of the month of September 1653 and
continued for many dayes And that by the reason and
meanes only of the sayd very violent strong and
tempetuous weather the interrate shipp the London susteyned
much dammage in the hull, And that the said shipps
Company were compelled for their lifes preservation to cutt
away three cables and anchors with the Boyes and boy=ropes
which with two boates with their ropes and oares were quite lost
and that alsoe a brass gunn called a Base was by the violence of
the said tempest rolld over board with her carriage and all
materialls belonging to her, And he answereth that he cannot
guesse at the value of the damage the said shipp received in
her hull by reason of the said tempest But that he doth
estimate that the Anchors Cables and boats and the
sayd brasse Base which were lost by the onely reason of the
said violent strong and tempestuous weather, were worth
about fower hundred pounds And further he cannot
Repeated before Doctor Clarke./
The marke of the sayd
William WW Lary [MARKE, RH SIE]
The 9th day of June :1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
A businesse of Examination of Wittnesses concerning the}
shipp the String Roland of Sardam, of which Peter}
[?Simpson] was Master, on the behalfe of John doone}
and others Owners of the said shipp and lading}
Examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalf of the said
John Doone and Companie
Derrick Cornelisson of Raerop neere Amsterdam in
holland Mariner aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne
before the right Worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawesd
one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiraltie
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first hee saith hee hath knowne and sailed in the shipp the Strong Rowland
interrate for about 14. moneths before her seizure by the Englisdh at Barbadoes
and saith the said shipp belongeth to the Port of Amsterdam, And saith that
John doone and one Vertsegan Merchants of and living in Amsterdam
and others there alsoe living and subiects of the States Generall of the United
Netherlands were and are generally and commonly esteemed and reputed the
true and lawfull Owners of the said shipp and of her tackle apparrell and
furniture, and of the goods seized in the same, Which the premisses hee
deposeth, for that hee this examinate sailed in the said shipp upon her last
Voiage from the Texell in holland to Martiniga in the West Indies