HCA 13/70 f.3r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 3 |
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2014/08/19 |
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doller from Genua to London, And otherwise referring himselfe to his foregoeing
deposition and the rules of arithmetick for the casting up of summes hee saith
hee cannot depose.
To the 15th hee saith that the said Thomas Andrew and Richard
Clutterbuck were and are merchants of greate trading, and soe well knowne
and accompted to be. and saith that hee cannot estimate their dammage
(in the not delivery of the said pepper according to the bill of lading) sustained
by them over and above the rate the said peppers would at Genua have
yeelded more then the said hasilgrave sold them for.
Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the partie producent
Repeated before doctor Clarke and doctor Godolphin.
John Andrew:/ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 5th of September 1654.
William M[?ourten] Esquire against}
[?Spencer]. Clements ffrancklin}
Examined upon the libell given in this cause.
Clements dt. [?XX 2 alys]
Richard Lee of London gentleman aged 34 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the first second 3. 4. 5 and 6 articles of the said libell hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the arlate William Mourten Esquire (the producent)
commonly called Sir William Mourten, and Jeremiah harrison, and is very
well acquainted with them both and that hee this deponent was the last yeare present
in [?Queenes] Creeke in yorke river in Virginia at the plantation of the said Jeremiah,
harrison and had severall times speech with the said Jeremiah harrison
about the tobacoes in question being desired by Sir William
Mourten the producent (or by major henry Norwood as agent for the said
William Mourten Esquire) to speake with the said harrison thereabouts,
and saith that in or about the moneth of January last past being
with him the said harrison at the said place of his plantation, and
showing him the accompt (nowe left by this deponent for the information
of this Court) the said harrison then and there confessed to this deponent
that hee had received the three dozen of shoes and three servants
mentioned in the said [?XXXX] of Major henry Norwood, and that there then rested due from
him the said harrison to the said William Mourten upon the accompt for
the said shoes and servants for the ballance of the said accompt foure
thousand five hundred thirtie eight pounds weight of tobaccoe, and
acknowledged the said accompt to be true and a true copie of the originall
thereof, And further saith that the tenn hogsheads of tobaccoe mentioned
in the said sixth article were in or about the beginning of the moneth of
ffebruary last past (as hee remembreth the time) shipped by the said
Jeremiah harrison himselfe aboard the shipp James (Nathaniell Cook
master) then riding in yorke River aforesaid, for this port of
London, for his owne accompt, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
was there present and heard him treate with the said master about the
Major Henry Norwood
Major Henry Norwood departed England in 1649 for Virginia on the illfated ship the Virginia Merchant. His account of his voyage was published posthumously, and included a description of cannibalism.[1]- Jump up ↑ Colonel Norwood, A Voyage to Virginia (1649), in Tracts and Other Paper Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America From the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776, vol. 3, p. 12 (Gloucester, MA, 1963)