HCA 13/70 f.388r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.388r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Nunez for about 7. or 8. yeares last past And saith the said ferdinando Nunez was not at Cadiz during
the time the said shipp Salvadore remained there, (so farr as this rendent
knoweth) but saith this rendent received the said three Cerons of Cutchineale
on board his said shipp Salvadore at or neere Cadiz in Spaine, the said
goods according to the relation of the Barquiers who brought the same from
Sevile to Cadiz, being sent by the said ferdinando Nunez from Sevill to bee
transported therein for the said ffardinandoe Nunez his accompt, and to that purpose
this deponent by himselfe or his Purser signed three bills of lading all of
one tenor one whereof was seized aboard his said shipp, and remaineth
now, as this rendent beleeveth, in the Registrie of this Court, and thereto
this rendent saith hee referreth himselfe, and remembreth not particularly
at present, (it being about three yeares since) by whom the said Cerons were
laden otherwise then as aforesaid, And further cannot depose, saving that
the said ferdinando Nunez was and is generally accompted a Portugueze
borne, and hath lived and been a Merchant of great quality in Sevill ever
since this rendents first knew him.

To the last hee saith hee doeth not knowe, neither is hee concicted in
Conscience to beleeve otherwise then that the said three Cerons of
Cutchineale doe really and truely belong to the said ferdinando Nunez
and to no other person or persons whatsoever that were or are Subject
or Subjects of the States or king interrate:-

Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/

Christian Cloppenbo[?XX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



The 29th of June .1655.: [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the hope of}
Amsterdam, whereof John Cornelison Prince}
was Master Budd}

Examined upon Certaine Interrogatories
ministred in the behalfe of his highnesse
the Lord Protector:-

Holden Dt.

John Cornelisen Prince of der Schellingen in
holland mariner Master of the said shipp the hope
aged 58. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
saith as followeth videlicet/

To the first hee saith, That hee this rendent hath been Master of the
shipp the hope interrate since November last past, and first became
Master of her at Medenblick in holland, and saith this deponent was
constituted Master of her by Jaspar Albrechtsen Vooch[?t], herman
hendricksen, and Gerritt de [?Minibes] all Merchants and Burghers
of Amsterdam, and the true and lawfull Owners of the said shipp and of
her tackle apparrell and furniture, which as hee hath understood, the said
Owners bought from other precedent Ownerss whom hee knoweth not, and saith
hee saw noe money payd for the said shipp, And saith the said shipp is a very
ould shipp and that it is notorious that shee hath alwaies belonged to the Port of
Amsterdam, but what former voyages see hath made hee saith hee knoweth not
And as to the authority of the Owners aforesaid, who did constitute this
rendent Master thereof, hee saith hee cannot otherwise answer then that the
said Owners were and are generally and commonly knowne at Amsterdam
(to be