HCA 13/70 f.375r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.375r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


served for about 5 yeares last past to and with the said producent, And
saith, That as this deponent hath heard his precontest who writt the said scheduld
accpmpt the same, it did and doeth amount to fourteene pounds sterling and
some off money. And further cannot depose:-/

To the 5th hee saith, That hee this examininate was not present when the
said John Edge acknowledged he said debt, or subscribed the said bill or
schedule for the same, but saith hee well knoweth that the said producent did
expressely goe after the said shipp to Gravesend to procure payment of the said
moneyes due to him upon the accomptaforesaid, And beleeveth the said bill
was upon that occasion subscribed by the said John Edge:-/

To the 6th hee referreth to his foregoing deposition, and beleeveth not that the said
producent had or hath any manner of satisfaction for the goods and Materialls aforesaid:-

To the 7th hee saith, hee beleeveth the said producent hath suffered dammage
in his occupation and trade, by the non-payment of the said moneys to the
valew of about 40: s as hee in conscience conceiveth-

To the 8th hee referreth himselfe to the Acts and proceedings of this Court:-

To the 9th hee saith the said Edge and Companie are commonly reputed
Englishmen and Subjects of this Commonwealth:-

To the 10th hee referreth himselfe to the proceedings of this Court

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true:-/

Repeated with his precontest
before doctor Clerke:-/

the marke of
John [MARKE] Jeffes [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 16th day of June .1656:- [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Thomas Cowell and Thomas Canham and}
Companie for the shipp called the Thomas of Brest}
and her Tackle and furniture et cetera. Suckley. Cheeke}

Examined upon an Allegation given
in the Acts of Court on the behalfe
of the said Cowell and Companie:-

Rp. EA. jus/

vide 2dus in [?EE] L: 13:

James Anselm of Wapping in the parish of
Stepney Mariner aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined in the Acts of Court and examined saith as
followeth videlicet:-/

That hee this deponent well knoweth the shipp the Thomas of Brest
allate formerly called and knowne by the name of the Thomas of
London, and came first to knowe her about a yeare and a halfe since, shee
being then in the River of Thames under the care and government of
Thomas Yoakeley her then Master and Commaunder, who in this deponents
observation was as about that time fitting and furnishing of her out upon
a Voiage to sea, And saith That about the moneth of february last
past this deponent being at ffalmouth in Cornewall did there see and
observe the said Vessell lyeing at Peryn kay, where having diligently
observed her hull and maine mast, and two Cabbins upon the deck
abaft, and perceiving and observing a hoale in the head of her maine
mast, all which hee had formerly well observed and taken notice of
here in the river of Thames, (when hee this deponent first came to know