HCA 13/70 f.368v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.368v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose:/

To the 20th hee saith hee well knoweth the interrate Leonart Thyson
of Terveeer, and that hee is brother to the said daniel, and declareth
by Vertue of his oath, That hee doeth not know nor hath ever heard
that the said Leonard had or hath any part or share in the said
shipp or goods in Controversie:-/

To the 21th hee saith, That it is publique and notorious at Terveer
and elsewhere in Zeeland, That a sentence or banishment has been
issued agaisnt the said daniel Thyson by the States of Tervier judicially
And further knoweth not:/

Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/

[?li?XXX ?kakulare] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day Examined upon the said Allegation [CENTRE HEADING]


Joris van Embden otherwise Janson of
Terveere in Zeeland, but formerly dwelling at Ostend
and borne at Terveere aforesaid Mariner aged
49. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth./

To the first Article of the said Allegtaion hee saith and deposeth, That
hee this deponent was in holland in or about the yeare 1650, and saw the
shipp the Goulden ffalcon now in Controversie there originally built
at Sardam in holland for the accompt of the arlate daniel Thysen then
Burgher of Terveer in Zeeland, and that by order of him the said
daniel Thysen given to one Anthony Cornelisen , who then had the
care and ordering of the said shipps originall building for the said producents
accompt and use, And saith that both then and ever since the said
daniel Thysen hath been and is commonly and generally reputed
esteemed and taken for the true lawfull and sole Owner and Proprietor
of the said shipp and of her tackle apparrell and furniture
Theise the premisses hee well knoweth, by the meanes aforesai, and by
his familiar acquaintance with the said Proprietors and the said shipps
[?TXXXr] Master and the said Anthony Cornelison who was expressely
employed about the said building by the said producent, as alsoe by the
publique and generall report amongst Masters and Mariners to whom the
said shipp and her proprietie was and is well knowne to be as
aforesaid: And further hee cannot depose:-/

To the second Article hee saith and deposeth, That hee this deponent was
not present at Mallega at the time of the lading of the goods now controverted
and therefore hath no certaine or absolute knowledge of the lading or proprietie
thereof, but saith That hee well knoweth, for that hee saw and observe, That
the said daniel Thyssen by his Agent and Correspondent Leonard Thysen
dwelling at Terveere in Zeeland did out of the then warehous[?es] of the said producent scituate in Terveere lade or cause to be laden, at Terveere
aforesaid aboard his said shipp a lading of corne to be thence transported for his the said daniel
Thyson his accompt to Mallaga in Spaine, which was in the yeare 1651
(the particular time hee saith hee cannot exactly remember) And saith That