HCA 13/70 f.364r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.364r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third hee saith hee was never at Southampton aboard the
shipp interrate, and therefore cannot further depose:-/

To the fourth hee saith the Contract interrate was made at the
Sunn Taverne behind the Exchange, and was there putt in
writing, there being then and there present this rendent, Captaine
Phillips, and a Corresponden of his who liveth at the Cowes, one
Gabriel Cressy of London Merchant and one Adirian Van
hout Marchant And otherwise referreth to his precedent deposition

To the 5th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition And
further cannot depose:/:

To the 6th hee saith he hath not deposed anything as to the
importunity interrate./

To the 7th hee saith, That this rendent by order as aforesaid paid
the said Customes at the Custome house London to the Officers there{?at]
appointed at 4. or 5. severall times, and did also see the payment of
severall of the suumes expressed in the articles interrate (as hee hath
predeposed) here in London to the persons therein concerned, but
cannot exactly remember at present the times or particular places
of such payment, nor who were present at the same./

Repeated before Doctor Clerke./.

ferdinand hespel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 2d day of June .1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of daniel Thison of Ostend for the shipp}
the Golden ffalcon of which Anthony Cornelison was Master}
with her Tackle and furniture, and alsoe for twenty}
pipes of Mallega wynes, and one hundred and thirty}
quarteeles of sirrop, and 28. quarteeles of sirrop}
Suckley Budd}

Examined upon an Allegation
exhibited on the behalfe of the
said daniel Thison the 12th of
January 1652:


vide 1us in V. libri 7i. 2us

Mr Beake:- dt.

Abraham Thyson of Tervier in Zeeland
Merchant aged 21 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposthm That hee this
deponent hath well knowne the shipp the Golden ffalcon from the time of her
Originall building, which was at Serdam in holland in the yeare 1650. last
past by the direction and for the proper accompt of the producent daniel
Thyson, And that from the first time of her building and settting forth to se
from Serdam, shee hath been well knowne and generally and
commonly reputed to bee a shipp solely and wholely belonging to the said
Daniel Thysenm Which the premisses hee well knoweth for that hee
this deponent is brother to the said producent, and thereby well acquainted
and versed with and in the said producents transactions, and his bookes
of accompts, wherein and whereby hee hath well observed and is assured of
the said producents interest in the said shipp and her appurtenances as is
by him predeposed, And further saving his subsequent depositions hee saith
hee cannot depose:-/

(To the 2d article