HCA 13/70 f.356r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.356r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


saith that he hathh heard the said Streete being a
Captive with this Rendent in Sally say that he was
pursued and chased at sea, and that thereupon he
and his Company betooke themselves to their boate and
left the shipp And further he cannot answeare

To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that though he was not
present at the bargaine=making concerning the sale of the
sayd shipp, yet it was evidently appaarent unto him that the
said Ashwin had bought her, and as the generall report
went of the Governor of New Sally aforesaid And further he
cannot answeare./

To the last Interrogatory he answereth that he did not see the
money payd for the shipp interrate by the producent
But he saith that he did well know the shipp the
Returne, and that she was a stanch and tight shipp
and that she had not any Gunns or Anchors at the
time the producent parted with her in part of payment
of the shipp in controversy, And further he cannot

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin
togeather with his precontest./



On the tenth of August 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]


Robert Steevens of Plymouth in the County
of Devon Mariner, aged about 28 yeares, a
wittnes produced and sworne and being examined
he deposeth as followeth

To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and saith
That he the deponent was a Slave in Sally in the months arlate
and that he being as a Slave or Captive on board a certaine
ffrigott belonging unto the Governor of New Sally was presente
when about the latter end of October last past (as he
best remembreth the time) the sayd ffrigott tooke the shipp
in this cause controverted, floating upon the streame and
having in her noe living thing that he this deponent knoweth
of, and that it was about fower Leagues from New Sally
where she was found floating and aken And further he
cannot depose.

To the second article he deposeth and saith that after the sayd
shipp now in controversy was brought into New Sally, In the