HCA 13/70 f.353r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 353 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 07/01/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_0319.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/07 | |
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Edited on 20/04/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Rowe dt.
Jean Henrick Beckimire of hambrough
Mariner Purser of the shipp the Switzer, where
he hath lived about 10 yeares past, borne at
Westphalia, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts, a wittnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth
To the first Interrogatory he answereth and saith that the
interrate Jacob huisly hath bin Master of the interrate shipp
the Switzer somewhat above three yeares last past, and
that about that time he tooke the care and charge of her
at Marselleis in ffrance, and that the Master of her
immediatly preceding him was one Jacob Shomaker an hamburger
and that ther said huisly is alsoe a hamburger (he this
Rendent well knoweth the parents and freinds of the sayd
Jacob Shomaker and Jacob huisley) And he answereth
that the Owners of the said shipp which putt
in the said huisly to be master of her were John Scotrin[?gher]
Paul Longerman of hamborough, and Joachim, Lawrence
and David Sollicover of Sangall in Switzerland, And
further he cannot answeare.
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate shipp doth
belong unto the port of hamborough, and that she came from
thence last about 9 monthes and somewhat more since, And
that the partyes before named in the preceding Interrogatory are the
Owners of her videlicet John Scotringht and Paul Longerman
of hambrough where they now dwell, and where (he beleeveth) they were borne
and the alsoe aforenamed Joachim, Lawrence and David
Sollicover who dwell at Sangall in Switzerland, where (as he
hath heard) they were borne, And he answereth that the
said shipp, was of his knowledge built at hambrough, and that
the present Owners did buy her, And
that the said shipp did and doth belong unto the aforenamed
Scotringht, Longerman and the Sollicovers, The which he
saith he well knoweth for that he this Rendent having bin
servant to the said Longerman tenne yeares, was afterwards
putt aboard the said shipp as Purser of her and therby
well knew that he the sayd Longerman and the other persons
beforenamed were the Owners of her, And further he
cannot answere.
To the third Interrogatory he answereth and saith that at the time
interrate there belonged to the said shipp 25 men and boyes, whereof
there were one man and three Boyes ffrench And he answereth
(being putt in mind of his oath taken) that there was not
(as he knoweth) any ffrench man or subiect to the french king
that had any part or share in the or of the said shipp at
the time of her seizure./
To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he knoweth not whether
any of the goods laden aboard the said shipp and taken in her
were of the growth and manufacture of ffrance, or not, And
for the sorts and quantityes interrate he referreth himselfe unto
the Manifesto of them taken at their Lading at Marseilles
which Manifesto is exhibited by his precedent=Respondent Jacob huisly
And further he saith he cannot answeare.