HCA 13/70 f.34r Annotate

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The 11th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Otgar against Gallison}

Examined upon the libell remayning in the [?file] No. 100.


Rp. 2us

Robert Lewington of the parish of Allhallowes Barking London
Waterman, aged 27 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first, second and third articles of the said libell hee saith and deposeth taht
about two yeares and three quarters since and somewhat before the beginning of the
warrs with the dutch (the time otherwise hee cannot nowe call to minde) a certaine
shipp named the Queene hester said to be of Amsterdam and whereof
one called Arian [?X]ellison was master was riding at anchor neere Saint Catherines
in the river of Thames and this deponent being a waterman was imployed in the
service of mr david Otgar the producent to carry and did carry three bales
of goods aboard the redd hart lying close by her, and at the same time one Edward dangerfeild a waterman
was imployed to carry and did carry in his the said dangerfeilds boate three
other bales of goods belonging to the said mr Otgar aboard the said shipp the Queene hester, and
this deponent delivered the said three bales (soe by him carried) aboard the said
shipp the Redd hart, and sawe the said
dangerfeild alsoe delliver the three bales aboard the Queene hester which hee carried aboard
her in his boate, and saith they both went together from the Custome house
key where they received the said goods into their boates, but howe the said
bales or any of them were marked or the contents of them hee saith hee
doth not nowe remember, And saith the said goods soe carried by the said dangerfeild were laden aboard the Queene hester to be carried
to Amsterdam as mr Prickman (mr Otgars sonne in law) who set the
said dangerfeild [?aworke] to carry the said goods aboard told this deponent, they were for the
accompt of the said david Otgar, And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving
this deponent sawe some of the company of the said shipp the Queene

To the fourth fifth and 6 hee cannot depose.

To the 7th hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

Repeated before doctor Clerke.

Robert Langton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 11th of december 1654. [CENTRE EHADING]

david davidson against the shipp named the}
London, whereof John Stephens is commander}

Examined upon an allegation made in the
Acts of Court the 6th of this
instant and the booke therein
mentioned on the behalfe of the said davidson

Bud dt.


Captaine John Stephens of the port of London
Mariner, commander of the said shipp the
London, aged 54 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the said allegation and the first side of the 402 leafe of the said booke
hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent being Commander of the
said shipp the London did by his Purser and boatswaine in the yeares
1649 and 1650 receive aboard her of and from the producent mr david davidson
Rope-Merchant the severall and respective materialls and goods mentioned
and expressed in the said first side of the said 402 leafe, at the prices