HCA 13/70 f.347r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 347 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/09 | |
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Edited on 31/05/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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aboard belonging to himselfe, and the same day they tooke away alsoe
a greate deale of sugar out of two other chests, and embeazeld or made
all the said goods away, depriving this deponent and company and the
said shipp of the same together with two [?line ?towes] belonging to the shipp,
wherewith they hoisted over the chests that they soe tooke away. And
saith that having soe plundred the said shipp that day, they in the
evening brought this deponent in on of the boates to Portsmouth
and there this deponent was taken alonge with the said Captaine ashore
into a Victualling house or Inne and there kept all that night,
and the next day this deponent was carried before some Commissioners
or other officers to be examined, who behaved them selves with soe much
eagernesse to intrap him in his examinination, and to seeke advantage from
his words (as hee apprehended by them) that hee refused to proceede
unlesse hee might have some knowne and indifferent interpreter, whereby
hee might be sure not to be wronged; whereupon this deponent
wasa committed to the common gaole in Portsmouth or a worse prison
then the Common gaole, and there kept all the say without eating or
drinking, untill eveing when hee was taken out and put into a
Chamber in the Sergeant or Gaolers house and there kept seaven or
eight dayes, and then examined, being constrained to be examined by
the same Commissioners or Officers and Interpreter that first tooke in
hand as aforesaid to examine him. And saith the said captaine
after the seizure used opprobious and vilifying termes to this deponent
calling him Sea-rover, and otherwise reproaching him.
And when this deponent spake to him and asked him whie hee made
such spoile of this deponents oranges and lemmons, and goods, hee answered
that it was for his pleasure.
hessel jacobs [?Feseneuf] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 16th of July 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of Simon Beame, Peter}
Linson and others, owners of the shipp the Pile}
of fflushing (Jaspar Tange Master), and}
her lading. ffrancklin.}
ffra. dt.
Peter Wariner of Middleborowe in
Zealand Marchant, aged 40 yeares or
thereabouts sworne before the right
Worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one
of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie
(as in the acts of the said Court) and examined upon
certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the said Simon
Beane and companie, saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith tht hee hath well knowne the
said shipp the Pile for theise foure yeares last or thereabouts, and
saith shee as built at fflushing in Zealand aforesaid, and that
Simon Beane, Peter Linson, Adrian Pile
and Christian Adrianson of fflushing, and others of the same place, whose
names hee cannot nowe call to minde, John de Nare of Tervier, hee
this deponent of Middleborowe, and the said Jaspar Tange the
Skipper, alsoe of fflushing, were and are the true and lawfull owners
and proprietors of the said shipp, tackle and furniture, and that they
as owners thereof sett her out from fflushing in January last past
bound for the Canaries and thence for the Charibbe Ilands, which hee
knoweth being one of the said owners, and going out Merchant in her
the said voyage. And saith that all the said owners were and are subiects
of the Lords the States of the united Netherland Provinces.