HCA 13/70 f.342r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 342 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/07 |
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claimed in this Court and recovered oiles which were comming from Porto upon
the said ioynt accompt, and were seized and brought into Englan, part
of the retourne of which oiles, this deponent made in the said last clothes, and
that upon the said ioynt accompt. And otherwise hee cannot depose; saving
as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Clerke.
Michal Castel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 18th day of July 1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Vide pag 2 [?aut] prop precedent./
dt. Smith./
Swanley against Johnson.}
The said John Lee examined upon the Crosse Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of the said Swanley and Companie/
To the said Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this rendent never heard the interrate
Sellick say or declare for whose accompt the Tobaccoes interrate were laden, neither
did this examinate heare or knoweth any thing of the Agreement interrate
concerning the fraight interrate, nor concerning the signing of any bills
of lading, saving that as this rendent at Virginia aforesaid and in his
passage from thence in the said shipp Providence for London heard and
understood the said Captaine Swanley had signed one generall bill of
lading for his whole shipps Cargazon, and by some of the passengers understood
that they were to pay for the transport of their goods in the shipp thence
to London eight pounds per tunn, And further cannot depose saving
his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth himselfe:-/
Repeated before doctor Clerke.
The 19th day of KJuly 1655:/ [CENTYRE HEADING]
dt. Smith:-/
The said George Johnson examined upon the said Interrogatories:-/
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, hee this rendent was not present
at the lading of the Tobaccoes in Controversie, nor knoweth whoe laded them
otherwise then that this examinate gave order to the interrate Sellick to lade the
same for this rendents proper accompt and adventure, and saith that hee this rendent
agreed with the said Sellick at Ackamack in Virginia in the house of one
Nicholas Waddilow in the presence of at least ten severall Wittnesses
upon or about the 22th day of May 1654:- at the rate of 7 li per tunn
for the transportation of his said hoods from thence to England in the said
shipp Providence, as this rendent had not long before laden 60. hogsheads
of Tobaccoe aboard the shipp Thomas and Anne Captaine fox Commander
at the same rate of 7 li per tunn to be transported and brought thence to this
Port of London, And as to the signing of bills of lading by the interrate
Swanley for his said shipps lading, this rendent saith hee was absent
when the same was or should have bin done, but saith hee left order with
the said Sellick and horsey his Attorney to cause bills of lading to be
signed by the said Captaine Swanley for the said 34. hoods of Tobaccoe
for this deponents owne accompt and adventure, but hath heard that the said
Swanley onely signed a generall bill of lading for most of his said shipps
Cargazon: but signed particular bill or bills for this rendents goods.
Repeated before doctor Clerke:/