HCA 13/70 f.335v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.335v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th day of June .1655.:- [CENTRE HEADING]

James Cowse of London Merchant against the Vessell}
the John and Elizabeth of which Edward keene is Master}
and against the said Edward keene. Suckley. Smith.}

Examined upon an Allegation on the
behalfe of the said James Cowse.


Samuel Lanson of the parrish of Saint Catharines
neere the Tower Mariner aged 47. yeares or
thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee well
knoweth the shipp the John and Elizabeth arlate, whereof the arlate Edward
keene was and is Master, and Part Owner commonly esteemed and had
in the yeare 1654 last past the charge and Government thereof committed
to him the said keene by the Owners thereof, Which this deponent knoweth for
that this deponent went Masters mate and Pilott of her in the Voiage in
Controversie being designed for Palma one of the Canarie Islands
And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose:-/

To the second article hee saith, That hee knoweth nothing of the affraightment
or letting to freigjht of the said Vessell the John and Elizabeth, as not being
present at the time of her letting to freight upon the Voiage in Controversye
but saith hee this deponent hath oftentimes heard the said Edward keene say
and declare, That the said James Cowes the producent in this Cause, together
with his the said producents brother had taken the said Vessell to freight upon
theor owne accompt for a Voiage from this Port of London to the Port of Sannta
Cruze in the Island of Palma, and soe back againe for this Port of London
or to that effect, and saith the said Vessell then was and is of about the burthen
of 60. or 70. tunnes, and that the said keene alsoe acknowledged to this deponent
that the goods laden aboard her upon her outwards voiage for Palma aforesaid
were soe laden by the said James Cowes the producent and his brother here
at London to be transported to Palma aforesaid, and there delivered to the said
Cowse Correspondents there and bestowed and disposed of to their best profitt and
advantage, and thence to returne with a lading of goods for London for the said
producents and his brothers accompt, And further hee cannot depose:

To the third and schedule annexed being the first schedule, hee saith and deposeth
That hee this deponent first came aboard the said shipp the John and Elizabeth
at Gravesend after shee was laden and readie to depart thence upon the Voiage
in Controversie bound directly for the Port of Santa Cruz
to retourne to this Port of London in the said shipp as Masters Mate or
Pilot this deponent was then and there entertained by the said Edward keene
her Master, And saith that the said shipp having sett saile from Gravesend
designed as aforesaid and being in her said Course in the latitude of between
thirtie three degrees and fourtie minutes shee mett with very stormie and
tempestuous weather, insomuch that her tillar breaking by stresse of
weather, and shee being thereby rendred very unwealdie shee fell fowle
of another shipp that sailed in her Companie with her, whereupon
the said shipps Companie deserted her. leaving onely the said Master who
remained sick in the hould, and this deponent and one boy to mannage and
governe the said shipp, whereby this deponent for the preservation of the