HCA 13/70 f.333v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 333 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/09 |
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To the twelveth hee saith that the said shipp came last from Middleborowe
on or about the sixteenth of March last newe stile, and about two dayes after arived
at haver de Grace (being somwhat delaied by calme) and this deponent
came from Middleborowe in her and arived in her at haver de Grace
being master of her, And that at haver de Grace shee staid from
the 18th or 19th (or thereabouts) new stile of March last that shee
arived there as aforesaid, until the fifteenth (newe stile) of this
present moneth at which time shee set saile and departed from
haver de Grace, and saith hee went out from Middleborowe
in the service and by order of his aid owners, And otherwise saving
as aforesaid hee cannot depose.
To the 13th hee aith hee never knew the interrogated haarman Goris
till nowe this voyage that hee met him at Roane in or about March
last, and that this deponent sawe him this day in this house about
tenn of the clock in the forenoone, And saith hee hath not had
any speech or discourse with the said Goris about what hee or they
should or would depose in this businesse, upon their examinations
or otherwise, nor with any other person; for hee saith hee this
examinate knewe not at all what matters or questions should
be put unto him. And otherwise hee cannot answer.
To the 14th hee saith hee doth not knowe, nor is convinced in his
conscience to beleeve that the said shipps lading or any part
thereof doth belonge to any ffrench, or subiects of the ffrench kinge,
and for the shipp hee saith hee well knoweth that noe ffrenchman
or subiect of the said kinge hath any part or share therein, but the same
is as hee saith wholly belonging to Middleburgers, subiects of the
States of the United Netherlands, saving one sixteenth part which hee
saith belongeth to three brothers of fflushing alsoe
subiects of the said States, the eldest whereof is named Cornelius de
[?Moore], And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 15th hee saith that hee remembreth not the discourse that happened
betwixt Captaine Sanders and him upon the seizure, otherwise than that
this deponent comming first aboard him, the said Captaine asked
this deponent for his writings and papers, and this deponent delivered
him a good parcell, which this deponent had in his right hand
pocket, and the said Captaine asking him if there were all, this deponent
answered him (as hee saith) now, hee had more in his other pocket, but
they were sealed, and the said Captaine not demannding them, this deponent
kept them, and hath since brought them into this Court as hee affirmeth
And saith hee did not denie, nor did hee knowe that there were any
other papers in the shipp other than what hee had soe delivered him, and
were in his other pocket as aforesaid. But hee denieth that hee
confessed or said to the said Captaine that the goods aboard the said shipp
or many or any of them belonged to ffrenchmen. And otherwise hee cannot
depose, referring himselfe (as hee saith) to his bills of lading.
To the 16th hee saith hee doth not knowe but thinketh hee had a passenger
from haver de Grace, nor knoweth hee that hee had any Casket, nor what
is become of the said passeport, but beleeveth that if it were
aboard, the said Captaine Sanders hath it. And otherwise hee saith hee
cannot depose
Repeated before doctor Clerke.