HCA 13/70 f.332r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.332r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 13th hee saith hee very well remembreth that the said order being
soe obtained, was forthwith made knowne to the Commissioners of
the Custome house, and was the next post after such obtaining thereof
and getting in out in writing, intimated from the said Commissioners of prize goods
to their deputies at Portsmouth, to the end they might take order with
the Sub Commissioners for Customes there thereabout, and that such
intimation to Portsmouth hee well remembreth was before the 17th
of January 1652. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving hee
beleeveth the said Jefferies and Wainewright had notice of the said
order speedily after it came to the said Commissioners for prize goods.

Repeated before doctor Clerke.



The 26th of May 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the}
hare in the ffeilds John Kein Master.}

Rowe dt.


John keine of Middleborowe Mariner
Master of the said shipp the hare, aged
42 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that there are some
goods aboard the said shipp and were aboard her at the time of her seizure
for Mr Colument of Middleborough (one of the owners of the said shipp)
his accompt, which shee
received aboard her at haver de Grace namely fatts
of goods but the contents of the ffats hee knoweth not, for which hee saith hee
signed bills of lading namely three bills of one tenor. And that there were alsoe on board the said
shipp at the time of her seizure three fatts of haberdasherie wares
(whereof two are very small) for this depontents owne accompt, laden by him
at haver de Grace, more a chest or caske of pictures for his owne accompt which
hee bought from Middleborough, together with three small bales of
pepper for his owne accompt, and some other goods and commodities hee saith
hee hath aboard, the particularities whereof hee doth not nowe remember,
and that his companie have (as hee beleeveth) also goods aboard, but what
goods hee knoweth not, and that hee dis not signe any bill or bills of
lading either for his owne or his companies said goods. And saith hee
signed bills of lading for all the goods laden aboard the said shipp (savibg
such as aforesaid that are laden for his owne and his companies accompts)
namely three bills of lading for each mans severall parcells, and that the
said three bills for each severall parcell were all of one tenor, and that
hee did not signe any bills of different tenors, as laden by or consigned
to different or severall oersons for ine and the same parcell of
goods, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith the said shipp the hare sett saile and departed
from haver de Grace on her voyage for Cadiz, wherein shee was seized
on the fifteenth day of this instant May New-Stile, and was the same
nigh, about eleaven of the clock in the night met with and taken by the
Tyger and the dragon in the service of this Commonwealth, And
saith there were not any bills of lading whatsoever signed since such her
departure from haver de Grace, nor since her commong to sea, neither were