HCA 13/70 f.2r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 2 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/08 |
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The fourth of September 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
hearne against Waterman.}
Smith. ffrancklin.}
ffrancklyn: dt.
John Jeale of Wapping Mariner aged 48 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull william
Clarke and John Godolphin doctors of Lawes, Judges
of the high Court of the Admiraltie saith and
That hee well knew henry hearne late Gunner of the shipp
the Marchant Adventurer of London (Edward Waterman commannder)
and saith that the said shipp being at Venice in ffebruary last was a
twelve moneths this deponent was there present in company of the said
Captaine Waterman and the said henry hearne, and heard them reckon
together for the wages of the said hearne who departed the said shipp
and refused to serve any longer in her, and some time after there
comming a Warrant to take up the said shipp into the service of this
Commonwealth, and the said hearne having shipt himselfe aboard
the Anne Bonadventure (Christopher Page master) to goe into the
service of the duke of Venice, hee this deponent and William
Jackson, the said Captaine Watermans mates, went aboard the Anne
Bonadventure and spake to the said henry hearne to retourne againe
aboard the Marchant Adventurer which wanted men) and goe home
in her, telling him howe shee was taken up in the [?service]
of this Commonwealth, and that they should goe home safe or to
that effect, and earnestly purswaded him to retourne, telling him
withall that hee should have as good wages as hee would desire
but the said henry hearne utterly refused to retourne aboard the
Merchant Adventurer, and said, and swore. By God, hee would not
goe home to serve the Parliament, or to that effect, and soe the
said Captaine Waterman with his shipp and such men as hee could
get, was faine to come without him the said hearne, who before the
finall departure thence of the Marchant Adventurer, was gonne
for Candia in the said shipp the Anne Bonadventure in the service
of the Venetians.
The 5th of September 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Andrews and Clutterbuck against}
Examined upon the foresaid libell.
Rp. 2.
John Andrewes servant of Thomas Andrewes one
of the parties producent, aged 21 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the 6th article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee was present and sawe the weighing of the thirtie baggs of pepper
arlate in the warehouse or pepper seller of the East India company [?under GUTTER]