HCA 13/70 f.28r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.28r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deck of the said shipp Mary, together with Robert Yaxley her Master Richard
Cocket Samuel Browne Robert Lilycrop his Contests and others of the said
shipps Companie, and saith this deponent at the time of the said dammage
sustained was Gunner of the said shipp Mary, And further saving his
foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth hee cannot answer./

To the second Interrogatorie, hee saith hee this rendent is no part Owner of the
said shipp, And saith, that the masts spoyled in the said shipp Mary were
very sufficient and goods, and had as this rendent beleeveth belonged to her about
three or foure yeares, and that the rest of the Tackle and furniture and
small rigging were for the most part new, and the rest very sufficient and
serviceable, and saith hee knoweth not particularly what the said endammaged tackle
and furniture were really worth or could be sould for before the said dammage sustained
or since, but saith the said Masts and yards and rigging were rendred utterly unserviceable, and
the Owners constrained to buy new in the roome, and that the sailes with some
expense in the reparation may againe be made serviceable, And beleeveth that all
such endammaged tackle and furniture as may or can againe be made usefull did
and doe remaine aboard the said shipp Mary. And further cannot depose./.



The same day/ Examined upon the said Allegation:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 2us

Richard Cockett of Alborough in the Countie of Suffolke
Mariner one of the Companie of the said shipp the Mary,
aged 50 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in the moneths
of August September and October in this present yeare 1654:- and for sewerall
yeares before, the arlate Robert Yaxley, George Blowers Arthur Blowers
and Companie inhabitants of and in Alborough aforesaid have bin and are
the true and lawfull Owners of the shipp the Mary of Alborough arlate
and of her tackle and furniture, and for such for all the time aforesaid they
the said Yaxley Blowers and Companie have bin and are well knowne and
generally reputed. Which the premisses hee this deponent well knoweth having lived at
the said place of Alborough for about 20. yeares past, and for about 2. yeares last
hath served as masters mate in and aboard the said shipp And further cannot

To the second Article hee saith and deposeth, That upon or about the six and
twentieth day of October last in this instant yeare 1654:- the said shipp the
Mary with her full ladeing of New-Castle coales under the Conduct of the said
Robert Yaxley then and now Master and part Owner of the said shipp, comeing up the
River of Thames towards this Port of London, and the arlate Vessell the freeman
then coming downe the said River, the wind then being at West Southwest as
this deponent remembreth, and the said shipp the ffreeman and Companie having
a very fair and favourable gale right afore the wind and having the full channell and roome
sufficient to have passed by the said shipp the Mary, without falling foule or
endammaging her at all, the said shipp Mary then expressely bearing for the
shoare on purpose to avoyd any inconveniences that might happen, and leaving
as aforesaid the full scope of the Channell to the said shipp the ffreeman
(to have