HCA 13/70 f.287v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.287v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 16th day of March .1654: [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Lucas Lucy for goods taken out of}
the John Baptist by Edward Payne Commander of the}
Vessell called the Saint Ives Scout. Suckley. Smith}


Cornelius van Bommel of the parish of
Saint Catherine Colemans in the City of London
Merchant aged 35. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnesse sworne and examined./

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
hee this deponent being Bookekeeper to the arlate Luke Lucy, hath by and upon
the books of accompts of the said Lucas Lucy observed and well knoweth, That
in the moneths of March, Aprill, May and June 1653. last past the
said Luke Lucy was and still is or ought to bee the true and lawfull Owner
and Proprietor of three bales of Perpetuana's and of two bales of
minneken bayes marked and numbred as in the margent and for the true

[MARKE] 20

lawfull and sole Owner of the said goods the said Luke Lucy was abd is
commonly and generally reputed and esteemed. And further cannot depose:-/

To the second article hee saith, That the said Luke Lucy did in or about the
moneth of March pay the Customes due for the Merchandizes aforesaid in
this port of London, having then an intention to send the same away for Saint
Sebastians in a hamburgher shipp named the Charity, but that oportunity
failing hee did in or about the mometh aforesaid send the said goods to
Portsmouth to one hugh Salsbury, his Correspondent there, to be laden and
putt aboard the arlate shipp the Peter. and in the same to be transported to
Saint Sebastians for and upon the proper accompt and adventure of the said
Luke Lucy, the said three bales of perpetuanae's containing threescore
and one peece of ell-broad perpetuanae's, and the said two bales of
baies containing foure piece of black minneken baies; hee further saith
That in regard of the then hostility betwixt the English and the dutch and
ffrench, the said Luke Lucy for the better preservation and security of his
said goods did make use of the name of one Walter Sepps Merchant
of hamburgh his correspondent, and caused the said bales to be marked with
the initial letters of the said Walter Sepps his name to the intent and ende precedent
The premisses hee knoweth. being in the quality predeposed privy to and
perfectly acquainted with the Merchandizing affaires of the said producent
And further saving his subsequent depositions hee saith hee cannot depose

To the 3 and fourth articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
That in or about the moneth of June 1653. arlate the said hugh Salsbury
did by letter of advise sent from Portsmouth to the said producent informe
and acquaint him, that hee had laden the said goods aboard the said shopp
Saint Peter for Saint Sebastians there to be delivered to the arlate Walter
Adams the Agent and Correspondent of the said producent, to bee by
him sold and disposed of for the accompt of the said Luke Lucy, And saith
that the bill of lading mentioned in the said 4th article and annexed to the said