HCA 13/70 f.273v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.273v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


said shipp Thomas Bonadventure was by the said engagement or fight
very much endammaged aswell as other shipps then were, but how much
or to what valew this deponent knoweth not. And further cannot depose./:-
saving that upon the said engagement the said English Convoy, and Thomas Bon=
adventure were for their securitie enforced to retire to Porto Longoone
and had, in this deponents judgement, been in very great danger to have been sunke
or taken in case they had not had that conveniency of escape/

To the 10th hee saith, the said shipp Thomas Bonadventure with the other
English shipps and Convoy then in her Companie being so forced into
Porto Longoone were there blocked up by the dutch fleete for about
foure or five moneths as this deponent remembreth, and could not in all
that time goe away from thence, without imminent and apparent
danger of surprizall by the said dutch fleet, which hee well knoweth
for that hee this deponent was as aforesaid, a passenger in Companie of the said
shipp Thomas Bonadventure and English Convpy, and remained at Porto
Longoone so long as the said shipp Thomas Bonadventure and Companie
were there blocked up as aforesaid. And further cannot depose./:

To the 11th hee saith, That in or about the end of January or beginning
of ffebruary in the yeare 1652. English style the said shipp Thomas
Bonadventure together with the other English shipps then there were commanded
into the service of this Commonwealth for and upon a warlike imployment
which hee was credibly informed and verily beleeveth was done by Command
from the then Councell of State of this nation. And further cannot

To the 12th hee saith, That hee this deponent was at Porta fferara when the
said shipp Thomas Bonadventure and other English shipps commanded into the
service aforesaid, did there discharge their respective ladings into the
publique warehouse there, and saith, That at such their time of discharge
the goods delivered put of the Thomas Bonadventure were in a good
condition. And further cannot depose./

Upon the rest of the articles of this Allegation hee is not examined by
direction of the producent[?s]./

The same wittnesse Examined upon an Allegation
on the behalf of the said Jennings keate and
Company conteyning 5. articles:-

To the 4th article of the said Allegation hee saith hee knoweth not nor doeth
remember any such transaction as in the said article is expressed nor of
any bond or Contract to the effect arlate:-

Upon the rest of the articles of the said Allegation hee is not examined by
direction of the producent./

The same Wittnesse examined upon an Allegation
conteyning 23. articles on the behalfe of Jennings
keate and Companie:-

To the 7th