HCA 13/70 f.272v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.272v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the arlate Ignatio da Costa a Portugueze Merchant residing at the
Bahias for the accompt of the said John Lyne, which chests of sugar this
deponent there saw readie to bee laden, and beleeveth the same were really
and actually laden aboard the shipp or Vessell the Nostra Seignora
da Rosario (George Whiller Commander) to be transported from thence
to Lisbone on Portugall for and upon the Adventure and accompt of
the said John Lyne, this deponent being present at the bargaine or
Contract made for the said sugars between the said John Lyne the
producent and the said Ignatio da Costa, and by this deponents familiarity
with them and the said George Whiller well knowne of the designe
of lading of the said sugars in the shipp or Vessell and for the accompt
aforesaid. And further hee cannot depose/:-

To the second article and schedules annexed hee saith and deposeth, That
the said Imbargo or seizure of English shipps and goods then at the Bahia
this deponent then and there heard and observed that the Chests of sugar
predeposed were for the preservation of them from the said seizure designed
to be and actually were laden by and in the name of the said Ignatio da
Costa. And this deponent haveing severall times seene and observed the
respective firmes and subscriptions of the said George Whiller and
Ignatio da Costa, doeth in his Conscience beleeve that the said schedule
or bill of lading annexed was and is a bill of lading signed or firmed
with the proper handwriting of the said George Whiller, and that
the second schedule or declaration annexed was and is the proper
handwriting of the said Ignatio da Costa, and that the same was
firmed and signed by the said Ignatio da Costa and George
Whiller, and verily beleeveth the Contents of the said schedule
now by him seene and seriously perused, to be reall and true, and
expressely made for the preservation of the said goods from the Imbargo
or seizure by the Portuguezes, And further cannot depose

To the third hee saith, it is publique and notorious Tha the said
shipp Nostra Seignora and her lading were in their Course
from the Bahia towards Lisbone mett with all surprized taken
and brought up into England by an English man of warr
And further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./:

To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith, That hee this rendent is a Native of
Lisbone in Portugall and hath lived for all or most of the time
interrate in Fernambuck the Bahia and Rio de Genera in Brazile