HCA 13/70 f.263r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.263r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The seventh of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the seizure of}
the Packet frigot}


Thomas Nevinson of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant, aged 20
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the Right worshippfull Charles
Geroge Cock Esquire one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiraltie
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath.

That one Captaine Albert Cocke, commander of a man of warr
of the States of the United Provinces, of 38 gunns or thereabouts
having (as hee was informed) by fowle weather lost his said man of warr upon the coast of
Gallicia in or about the moneth of ffebruary 1653, came with some
of his company to Cadiz to seake passage for holland, And that being soe
come to Cadiz one Santos Pott a dutch merchant there resident
as hee was informed procured a Commission from the Consull of the United Netherlands
there alsoe resident named Jerome de Vandenhave, who as the common
fame went, had blanck Commissions from the said States to give to whom
had pleased for setting out men of warr in their service, And saith that
having obtained the said Commission, the said Santos Pott (as this deponent
was there informed by the common report) bought a vessell of about
300 tonnes called the Golden dove, and put the foresaid Cocke
commander of her by vertue of the said Commission, soe obtained
from the said Consull. And saith that the said Captaine going with
the said shipp the Golden dove to sea, mett with and seized an
English vessell called the Packet frigat whereof one Edward
harrison was master of the burthen of 60 tonnes or thereabouts and brought her as prize into the bay of
Cadiz in or about the end of may last past, together with her
lading, which hee knoweth to be true fr that hee this deponent was
then at Cadiz and sawe the said Packet frigaot in the said bay
aftersuch her bringing in as aforesaid, and went on board her, And saith that the said Cock
(as this deponent was informed) sold and imbeazeld part of the said
shipp the Packet frigots lading, (being as hee was alsoe
informed oiles and anchova's, wherewith shee was bound for London)
and alsoe part of her provisions and furniture.

Thomas Nevinson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 13th of February .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Jennings keate and Companie against ffredericke}
Chowne and Companie. Smith. Budd}

Examined upon an allegation conteyning 15. articles


William Jefferey of Wapping in the parrish of
Stepney and Countie of Middlesex late Gunner of the
shipp the Thomas Bonadventure in question aged 29.
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the 6th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee well
knoweth the arlate Richard Chowne, and saith that hee first knew him the