HCA 13/70 f.250v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 250 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/25 |
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To the fourth article she deposeth and saith that the arlate
John Scott had served the sayd Tayler his Master but a little
while before he rann away from him, and that after the sayd
Scott had soe deserted his Master and his service some space
of time, she this deponent chanced to espye him in the
hoye of the arlate John Chamberlaine, and called to him the
said Scott and asked him, if he knew her this deponent
to which the sayd Scott answered yes; And then she called to
the arlate Chamberlaine
and told him that the said Scott was an Apprentice
unto the arlate Christofer Taylor a ffisherman of Barking and demanded him in respect the arlate Christofer Taylor
his Master had marryed this deponents daughter, and that then
the sayd Chamberlaine lett this deponent take away with her
the sayd Scott, and that she the deponent had him home to the
sayd Taylor his Masters house, and that the sayd Scott
stayed not there two dayes but he went away againe, and
was againe received and entertained by the arlate Chamberlaine
of this deponents knowledge, who hath since his the said Scotts last
deserting of his Masters service seene him in the sayd
Chamberlaines hoy at Towerwharfe. And further she cnnot depose
To the fifth and sixth articles she deposeth and saith that the
arlate Taylor hath (ever since that the said Scott hath
deserted his the said Taylors service) bin constreyned to hyre
and hath hyred one or other to helpe and assist him to
fish, and that the said Taylor hath payd sometimes fower
shillings per weeke (of her this deponents knowledge) to one
besides victualls for helping him in his sayd trade of
fishing, And further she saith she cannot depose./
To the 7th 8th and 9th articles she saith that she referreth
herselfe to the Law and to the Registry of this Court And
further she cannot depose.
To the last she saith that her former deposition is true.
To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory she answereth that she commeth by the
meanes of the producent, who marryed this deponents
daughter, and that she knew the interrate Scott upon his
comming to be an Apprentice unto the said producent, which
was about December 1651 as she beleiveth And further
she cannot answeare./
Toi the 2d Interrogatory she cannot answeare./
To the third Interrogatory she answereth that when the interrate
Scott went last away from and deserted his
Masters service, he went away with a new wastcoate
that shecannot tell how long the said Scott stayd with
the sayd Taylor before he first ranne away from
him, and that for her part she never heard the interrate
Chamberlaine use any inticements or perswasions to the said
Scott, And otherwise referring herselfe to her former deposition
she cannot answeare.
Repeated before Doctor Clarke./
The marke of [MARKE] the sayd Joanne Zouch [MARKE, RH SIDE]