HCA 13/70 f.248r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 248 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/04 |
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the time of the disaster aforesaid so farr as hee knoweth or beleeveth
To the 8th Interrogatorie hee saith, That there were saved out of the said shipp
and were driven ashoare severall Caskes of butter, beefe, and porke belonging
to the said Owners as also severall Caskes of butter porke and beefe and some
feathers belonging to the said Walter devereux and to this rendent and
Companie, all which goods are in the Custody of the said Major Bull
in the Isle of Wight but the markes or numbers particularly hee now remembreth not
And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose/
To the last hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition, And further
cannot depose./
Repeated before Collonel Cocke./
3d of May 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
Concerning ther shipp the}
Weymouth Merchant}
Examined upon Interrogatoryes ministred
on the behalf of ffrances harvey the producent.
Rp et [?X] priori
Thomas James of Sepulchres parish London
Merchant, aged about 40ty yeares, a wittnes
sworne before the right worshippfull William Clerke
doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the high
Courte of Admiralty, deposeth as followeth.
To the first Interrogatory he saith that he this Rendent very
well knew the interrate shipp the Weymouth Merchant
for that he was outt on board her by her Owners as Assistant
unto Edward harris the Master of her, for keeping of
Accompts, and that he the Rendent was upon that account
as Assistant unto the Master on board her at Wexford in
Ireland, and he saith that the said shipp was bound from
thence to Nants in ffrance, of his this deponents certaine
knowledge, And further he cannot depose.
To the second Interrogatory he saith that he being on board and
of the sayd shipps Company as he hath predeposed did very well
observe the lading of a very great quantity of herrings on
board the said shipp, for the accompt of the interrate
ffrancis harvey the producent, and that the quantity
of the sayd herrings was (about) three hundred barrells to
be transported from Wexford to Nants in ffrance
for his the said ffrancis harvey's accompt And further he
cannot depose.
To the third Interrogatory he saith that he this Rendent was aon
board her when she sett sayle from Wexford in Ireland towards
Nants intending there to discharge her Lading, and that in her
said voyage not farr from Bell Isle in ffrance she was sett