HCA 13/70 f.244v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.244v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Richard Harvey of Lyme in the
County of dorsett Merchant aged 21.
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right
Worshippfull doctor Clerke one of the Judges of the
high Court of Admiraltie saith and deposeth
as followeth:-/

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That this examinate well knoweth
the shipp called the Weymouth Merchant interrate, whereof one
Edward harris was Master, and saith this examinate was aboard her at
Wexford nay upon or about the 27th day of November last past being the
last time shee was there, being then bound upon a Voyage for [?Nantes]
in ffrance, but saith hee was not one of her Companie in the Voiage in
Controversie. And further cannot depose saving his following deposition

To the 2d. Interrogatorie hee sith, That in or about the moneth of
November 1654. last past the interrate ffrancis harvey caused
to be laden aboard the said shipp the Weymouth Merchant at Wexford [?XXXX XXX] then
bound for Nantes as aforesaid three hundred and eighty
barrells of herrings for and upon the proper accompt and adventure
of him the said ffrancis harvey, which quantity of herrings this
deponent by order of the said ffrancis harvey then and there laded
in and aboard the said shipp designed as aforesaid, and consigned
to be delivered to this deponent at Nantes as ffactor to and for the
said ffrancis harvey, this deponent to that purpose going along a
passenger in the said shipp the Voiage in Controversy:

To the third hee saith the said shipp the Weymouth Merchant
did actually depart and sett saile from Wexford bay towards
Nantes upon or about the 27th day of November as predeposed,
and saith that in such her intended Course shee ad her lasing
were mett with surprized and taken by two friggats or men
of warr of Ostend, and saith the said shipp the Weymouth
Merchant and lading were so surprized and taken by the said
ffrigats upon or about the 20th of January last past after about 2. howers Chase and about 5. leagues distance
from heller Island neere the maine land of ffrance, the said
shipps Companie having endeavoured but pereceiving no possibility to
escape from the said ffrigatts which were each of them of a farr
greater force then the said Weymouth Merchant, and saith, That
after the said seizure the said shipp and lading were of this deponents
sight brought up to Ostend where they were adjudged Prize by
the seizors and were and are deteyned from the said ffrancis harvey
and others the Proprietors thereof. The premisses hee deposeth of
certaine knowledge being taken aboard the said shipp brought
up by one of the said frigatts to Ostend, and having seene the
Adjudication of the said goods. And further cannot depose

Repeated before Doctor Clerke:-/

Rich: harvery [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]