HCA 13/70 f.241r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.241r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second Interrogatory he answereth that he knew the shipp
the Dove before such time as the interrate Cable had
bought her, and that he hath seene her many times both
in thee River of Thames and elsewhere, but he answereth
that he doth not remember where he first saw ther
and that he onely knoweth the interrate Cable by sight,
which hath bin for about a yeare or two, And further
he cannot answeare.

To the third Interrogatory he answereth that most of the shipps
that goe to Newcastle from London sayle over the Well interrate
and that (as he beleiveth the sayd Well is tenne
or twelve Leagues over, And further he cannot answeare

To the fourth, fifth and sixth Interrogatoryes, he hath not
deposed to the damage alledged, and soe they concerne not
him this Rendent.

To the 7th he answereth negatively.

To the 8th he answereth negatively.

To the 8th he answereth that he can read printing but
cannot write, And further referring himselfe to his
former deposition he cannot answeare./

Repeated before Doctor Clarke./

The marke of the sayd
R Robert hill [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 7th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

ffudge against Alderman Mico.}
Cheeke. Suckley.}

Examined upon the allegation given in on
the behalfe of the said Alderman Mico.


Edmund Johnson servant of the said Alderman
Mico, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith that
hee cannot depose thereto, but referreth himselfe to the bill of lading.

To the seecond article he cannot depose saving that a peece
of Eight is at Smirna among Merchants of the value of
sixe shillings sterling money./

To the third and fourth articles of the sayd allegation he deposeth
and saith that there were laden aboard the vessell the
Caesar arlate by the factors or Agents of the articulate
Alerman Micoe the quantity of tenn baggs or sacks
of Goats wooll to be delivered here at this Port of London to and
for the accompt of the said Alderman, And that the said
goats wooll at the time of the delivery therof aboard the said
shipp to the arlate ffudge the then Master of her did conteyne
two thousand sixe hundred and eight Rotuloes neate weight,
All which doth plainely appeare to him this deponent by the
bill of ladeing of the said Goats woolls signed by the said
ffudge and now in the hands of him the deponent, And he
further deposeth that upon the safe arrivall of the said
shipp the Caesar articulate at this Port of London The
Goates woolls which were delivered out of the said shipp by