HCA 13/70 f.23r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 23 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/23 |
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and that the same was alsoe left at Bayon to be sent over land, and
that there were not any papers torne, burnt, throwne over board or
otherwise made away or concealed.
To the fifth hee saith that it is about two monthes since the said oiles
were laden at Bayon, and that severall of the hogsheads (wherein the same
are) are leakie, and the said oiles and the rest of the lading with longe lying
aboard will be in danger to be spoiled and are in a perishing condition,
and a greate quantitie of the said oiles are alreadie leaked out and spoiled,
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 6th hee saith there were noe money, plate or Jewells on board at the
time of the said seizure.
To the 7th hee saith that for the said goods soe laden by the ffrench hee
was to receive freight at haver de Grace, according to the bills of lading,
namely 28 gilders and sixteene stivers per fatt of the said traine
oile, accompting foure hogsheads to a fatt, and for the freight of
the said whale bone and box laden by the ffrench amounting together
to twentie fatts or thereabouts, hee was to receive after the rate aforesaid
per fatt, twelve gilders per sack or bagg for ech bagg of the said wooll
and tenn gilders for the freight of the said striped stuffe, and alsoe
averidge according to the custome of the sea, And twenty gilders
per day for each day of demourage, all which hee was to receive as
the said mr Gadin the person to whom hee was to deliver the said goods,
And otherwise saving as aforesaid negatively, and saving
that the said seizure was made in the entrie into the River of
Roane on the sixeth day of October last past newe stile.
[?ofon] noose [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
John Johnson Bleker of fflushing Mariner, Stiersman
of the said shipp the Elizabeth, aged 47 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that the said shipp the Elizabeth
belongeth to the port of fflushing, and that her owners dwell all there
and are all dutchmen and subiects of the States of the United Netherlands
namely Burgomaster G[?au]sling, Burgomaster Van Ack, myn herr van Pere
Captaine Mangler, Captaine Boucker, Cornelius Williamson John Gill,
and the Skipper his precontest, and saith they have bin soe owners three
yeeres and upwards and bought her of Lieve Pantingam a skipper of
the same towne and that shee was built at Amsterdam, all which hee knoweth
being an Inhabitant of fflushing, and Stiersman of her, and acquainted of
the premisses. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second hee saith that there were aboard the said shipp at the time
of her seizure 201 hogsheads of traine oile, sixtie odd baggs of wooll,
a parcell of whale bone and of box wood, and foure rolls of stuffe,
which were laden at Bayon by ffrenchmaen, and to be carried to haver
de Grace and there to be delivered, and the said goods were and are
accompted to be belonging to ffrench men. And that the shipps owners had
laden aboard for their accompt 30 baggs of feathers, and the master and
companie have 106 cakes of rosin, 6 hogsheads of turpentine, 78 oares, 12