HCA 13/70 f.230v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.230v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee conceiveth hee ought to have a share in
the said shipp the Saint John Baptist and lading if they be adiudged prize, as
hee was an officer as aforesaid. And saith hee can speake some
dutch, Spanish, and latin, besides his mother tongue, which is English.
And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the second hee saith hee cometh required by the said major Sedgwick
to speake the truth in this cause; and saith hee doth not desire
nor would adjudge the said shipp and goods for prize, but according
to right and iustice, and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his
foregoeing deposition. not being at the said counsell of warr.

Tio the third hee saith that both the black Raven and the Hope
were dutch built shipps, and as hee taketh it, they haled the
Saint John Baptist in dutch, and hee beleeveth the master and
company of the John Baptist tooke the Black Raven and
the rest of the fleete to be dutch, And otherwise hee cannot
depose saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth himselfe.

To the fourth hee saith the Saint John Baptist
was of the burthen of 140 tonnes or thereabouts. And that
her goods were unladen at Boston in New-England, at least the most
part thereof were there unladen, but this deponent bought most part of them.
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid.

To the fifth hee saith hee cannot answer thereto.

To the 6th hee saith that before the said seizure, the said ffleet
tooke a small vessell of the burthen of 60 or 80 tonnes laden
with salt, and had her in their company, when they tooke the
Saint John Baptist, but after the seizure of the Saint John Baptist,
and asoone as they had opportunitie (for before they had not through
the roughnesse of the weather) major Sedgewick or others of the
said fleete examined the master and company of the said small vessell and
finding them to be Swedes, dismissed them and their vessell, and put the Saint John
Baptists men into her to be carried homewards. And saith they
were about an hundred leagues to the westward of Scilly when
they soe seized the Saint John Baptist. And otherwise saving as
aforesaid hee cannot answer.

Repeated before the three Judges in Court.

Augustin Lyndon [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]