HCA 13/70 f.220r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.220r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 2. day of ffebruary .1654: [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp named the Saint John}
Baptist, whereof one John Claeson was Master and her}
tackle furniture and goods in the same seized by the shipp the}
Black-Raven whereof Major Robert Sedgwicke was}
Commander in the immediate service of this Commonwealth}

Examined upon an Allegation on
the behalfe of his highnesse the
Lord Protector:/

Rowe dt. j.

Robert Martin of New haven in New England
Mariner aged 39. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the shipp
the Saint John Baptist arlate was and is a dutch built shipp, and so much
doeth and may easily appeare to men experienced in the Mould fashion and
fabrique of shipps usuall in the United Netherlands, And further cannot depose
saving that hee this deponent being Commander of the shipp the hope, and being in
Companie with the arlate shipp the Black Raven at the time of the seizure of
the said shipp Saint John Baptist and her lading, went aboard the said shipp Black
Raven, and there understood by the Officers there assembled in a Councell of warr
That the Master of the said shipp Saint John Baptist at her first haling by
the black Raven said and acknowledged that his said shipp belonged to the
Prt of Amsterdam, but this deponent saith, hee did not heare the said Master
or Companie make any such acknowledgment:/

To the second hee saith, That hee this deponent was as aforesaid aboard the said
shipp the black Raven and in the said Councell of war, where hee heard the said
Master upon his examination declare and affirme that his said shipp belonged
to dantzicke. And further cannot depose./

To the third hee saith, That in this deponents presence and hearing, the Master
of the said shipp the Saint John Baptist, upon his further examination, before
the said Councell of Warr did declare and affirme that his said shipp and
lading were bound for London, and that the said shipps Cargo did belong
to sewerall English Merchants Subjects of this Commonwealth, whereupon the
said Master being demaunded by the said Councell of warr, whether hee had any
papers or writings to that effect, answered no, neither did hee produce or
shew any such papers or writings. And further to this article hee cannot depose:

To the 4th hee saith, That the lading of the said shipp the Saint John Baptist
consisted in wines, raisings and feathers, which were of the growth and
production of france, and were, by and according to the confession of the said
Master received and laden aboard at Bayon in ffrance, but who were the
persons that laded the same, this deponent knoweth not, nor remembreth that
hee heard any thing thereof by the said Master or Companie And further
cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith, That the said shipp the Saint John Baptist was taken
and seized by the said shipp the black Raven upon or about the 18th.
day of March 1653. last past, which was before the peace was concluded
between his highness the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of
England Scotland and Ireland, and the States Generall of the United
Netherlands, this deponent being as aforesaid present and seeing the said
seizure made. And further cannot depose/