HCA 13/70 f.215r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.215r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 26th day of January .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon a Libell exhibited on the
behalf of the said ffrancisco Lorenzo de

Arnold de Groot of London Merchant aged 26.
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the said Libell and articles therein conteyned hee saith and deposeth, That in
or about the moneth of May last past, one Thomas Gusman a Spanish
Merchant residing in this City having on the behalfe of the said fffrancisco
Lorenzo de Lara procured a Warrant of this Court for the arresting of
the lillate William Peer, addressed to this deponent and others, the said Thomas
Gusman came to this deponent and desired him by Vertue of the said Warrant to arrest
the said William Peer, which this deponent some daies after accordingly performed
and the said William Peer so arrested, this deponent kept in safe Custodie for two
daies before security was entred into this Court on the said Peers behalfe for and
concerning the action in Controversy, during which time of the said William
Peers detention, hee confessed and acknowledged to this deponent in manner and
forme following, To witt, That hee the said William Peer in the yeare
1647. lillate was Master or Commander of the lillate shipp the dragon, and
that in the said yeare hee was in and with the said shipp in the Roade of
Mallega in Spaine, where hee was ordered and commanded to give in
security that the said shipp shuld not bring in any Contrebanda goods
nor depart out of the said Roade without the speciall permission of the
Officers of the king of Spaine belonging to that Port, and that thereupon the
lillate ffrancisco Lorenzo de Lara had become fidejussor, and had entred
Caution and engaged himselfe to the effect above mentioned, in the summe of
two Thousand duckatts or five hundred pounds sterling as penaltie in Case
the said shipp should depart thence without permission as abovesaid [#}

And saith the said William Peer then also acknowledged this deponent, That after hee had done his busines
at Malega in the Voiage aforesaid, ther winde coming faire, hee departed thence with his said shipp in the
night time, notwithstanding the said securitie, nor having any such permission to depart thence as aforesaid/

And otherwise
referring himselfe to the Entries and records lillate and to the Acts of this
Court, and to the Law hee saith hee cannot further depose./

To the Crosse Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth, That hee cometh to be a Wittnes in
this Cause by the procurement of the said Thomas Gusman, and hath no
share interest or concernment therein, neither doeth hee expect either prejudice
or benefitt by the overthrow or Victorie of the said ffrancisco Lorenzo de Lara
the plaintiffe in the same, And otherwise negatively to every point thereof./:

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, hee this rendent never saw the interrate William
Peer before the time of the arrest aforesaid, and saith this rendent saw him last
in this City about 2. moneths since, and that hee is, as this rendent beleeveth
of the age of about 40. or 50. yeares, and that hee is of a sanguine complexion