HCA 13/70 f.208v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 208 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/31 |
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and if any one had soe sayd they had therein spaken falsely, and
further cannot depose./
To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee was one of the shipps company
the Dove all her voyage to Newcastle about the beginninge of
August last, and all her company consisted of about 12 or 13
persons, but the precise day of her arrivall to Newcastle this rendent
cannot say. and further to this interrogatory cannot depose/
To the second interrogatory this deponent saith that when the shipp
the Dove was att sea and drew 12 or 13 foot water shee was found leakye
which leake the master of her the voyage in question att Newcastle
caused to have searcht for, and it was founde that a peece of her Bow was
rotten, which peece was cutt out and a new peece putt in; and
further to this interrogatory cannot depose Saveinge that the
first notice that the Master and company had of that Rotten peece
of the Bow was from the Carpenters that searcht her./
To the third interrogatory hee saith hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 4th hee saith there went out of Winterton 3.
shipps more in company the voyage in question but
the precise day hee knoweth not. and to the rest of the interrogatory
To the 5th hee saith that hee never did say or confesse
or ever heard any other of the doves company say or
confesse the matter interrogate. and if any had confessed such
this deponent saith hee had therein made a false confession. and further
cannot depose./
To the 6th interrogatory hee answereth and saith that hee us
long since before this suite begun (as hee beleeveth) paid all his
wages and to the rest of this interrogatory negatively./
Repeated before doctor Clarke and
doctor Godolphin
Thomas Martin [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
10th of January 1654. examined upon the said allegation.
Lawrence Peterson of Limehouse in the
County of Middlesex marryner aged about 30
yeares a witnes sworne and
Examined deposeth and saith as followeth