HCA 13/70 f.19r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.19r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fourth of November 1654, [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Sawier of Amsterdam Peter}
Peterson Master.}



Peter Peterson of Schennier [?horne] on
North holland Mariner, master of the
said shipp the Sawier aged 34 yeares or
thereabouts sworne before the Judges of the
Admiraltie, and examined upon Interrogatories
saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet.

To the first, second, third fourth and fifth Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth
that the said shipp the Sawier belongeth to the ports of Amsteram and Middlebourgh,
and that david Market of Middleborough and derrick dansert
of Amsterdam both dutchmen and subiects of the States of the United Netherland
Provinces were abd are her sole owners, and constituted this deponent master of
her, and that noe ffrenchmen or any subiect of the kinge of ffrance hath
any part or share therein. But as touching her lading which was about 90
lasts of salt, hee saith the same was laden at Bruage in ffrance by a
ffrenchman as factor and for accompt of the ffrench Companie called the Grand
Partie, and to be thence transported to haver de Grace and there to be delivered
for the same accompt, which hee knoweth being master and receiving the
same aboard, and saith the persons of the said companie
were and are commonly accompted ffrenchmen; and saith the said shipp was
going with the said lading from Bruage for haver de Grace to dischardge
when shee was seized, and that hee had noe papers or writings aboard
but his Seabrief from Schermer horne and his let-passe from Bruage
when hee was seized, nor were there any torne or throwne overboard, only
hee saith hee had a bill of lading made for Amsterdam, which was soe made
to the end that if by storme or otherwise hee were hindered from
gaining the port of haver de Grace, hee might goe for Amsterdam, but
his true bill of lading for haver de Grace was left at Bruage to be
sent over land to haver de Grace, and that the freight was to
be paid at haver de Grace by the factor of the Grand Partie, who was
to receive the said salt and pay him freight 35 gilders per last for the said salt, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the sixth Interrogatorie hee saith, there were noe guns or ammunition onboard
the said shipp, and that shee had foure cables and three anchors and one
warp anchor, and a sute of sailes, with a foresaile, a
maine saile and a [?main]topsaile over and above the said sute, and that
there was noe money, Jewells or plate aboard, And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the 7 hee saith hee had provisions of victualls for eight
weekes for his companie when hee was taken, and yet had none but for
his owne shipp.

To the 8th hee saith that by the bill of lading for Amsterdam the salt was consigned as
hee remembreth to derrick dansert his said owner referring himselfe to the said bill which hee saith was seized
and otherwise negatively saving as

To the 9th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the 10th hee saith that hee came first aboard the said shipp at
Amsterdam, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 11th and 12th negatively.

To the 13th hee saith hee cannot depose, but hee thinketh his stiersman
kept a memoriall of the quantitite of the said salt, And otherwise hee
cannot depose saving as aforesaid.

To the last and his examination therein mentioned taken aboard the
Vice Admirall in the downes the 19th of September last hee saith
the contents of the said examination is true, and subscribed by [?hand]
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Clarke.

Pieter Pietersson [SIGNATURE. RH SIDE]