HCA 13/70 f.196r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.196r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and thereby knoweth that the goods now damnified and controverted
were at the tyme of their deliverie out of the said shipp into the sayd lighter
all drye and well conditioned and saith
that those who had the care and charge of the sayd lighter wherein the damage
controverted happened after they had received the goods in question on board
the sayd lighter left the sayd lighter and goods in it all night lying
by the side of the sayd shipp Smirna ffactor, and that about evening those
who were imployed to take care of the sayd lighter and goods before they
went out of her did scoope out of her the water which shee had receaved
And soe lefte her lyeing as aforesayd by the sayd shipps side all the night
And hee this deponent verily beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience that
(the plugge of the lighter aforesayd being very longe) the lighterman by such
his workeing with his scoope in the evening struck out or soe loosened
the plugge which goeth through the bottom of the lighter (as is usuall for
all lighters t have a plugg goe through them) that thereby the water forced
the same out in the night tyme, by which meanes the sayd goods
now controverted were much wett and damnified, and hee saith
that the next morneing, about fower of the clock the Company
of the shipp Smyrna ffactor seeing the sayd lighter still lying by their
side and very full of water and in danger of sinkeing did waigh her upp
with roapes and freed her of the water shee had receaved and then found that
her plugg was out and the hole thereof open and that that had thereby caused the damage predeposed to the goods in
her, the premisses hee deposeth of his owne certayne sight and knowledge
being a waiter as aforesayd on board the sayd shipp Smyrna ffactor And
further hee cannot depose not knowing nor javing heard whether the arlate Bolton
or Mills or which of them were Owners or imployers of the sayd Lighter wherein
the sayd damage happened./

To the 4th hee cannot depose/

To the 5th article hee saith that hee this deponent being a waiter and on board the
sayd shipp Smirna ffactor when the damage aforesayd happened
beleeveth that noe preiudice was done to the lighter aforesayd by
any of the sayd shipps company nor they any way any cause of the damage
aforesayd soe farr as this deponent did and could observe and further hee
cannot depose./

Repeated in Court before the three



The same day./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation./


Thomas Holgrave of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney
and County of Middlesex Mariner aged 31 yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet