HCA 13/70 f.182r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 182 |
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IMAGE: IMG_4410.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/12/07 | |
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Edited on 30/05/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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deposition hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the 10th article hee saith That hee knoweth nothing of
the proceedings arlate in the severall Courts of Judicature in ffrance
arlate for or concerning satisfaction to the said Pym for his losses
afforesaid, otherwise then that this deponent hath credibly heard by
severall persons of credit who have come from Saint Mallo, that the
said William Pym and other English in his Condition coold have
no justice done them in the said Courts in ffrance./
To the 11th hee saith and deposeth, That to the best of this deponents
Judgement and estimation, hee doeth in Conscience verily beleeve that the
said William Pym, by reason of the premiseses, videlicet his actuall and
reall losse amounting as aforesaid to the valew of 2500: li sterling or
thereabouts, and by the losse of such advantages and profitts, as hee
might in all probability have made by the mannageing thereof, and
by the losse of his said beneficiall employment in Saint Malo, hath really
suffered losse and dammage to the summe or valew of 4000: li sterling
or thereabouts. And further hee cannot depose.
reall losse
To the 12th hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated before doctor Clark/:-
The 7th day of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
A busines of Ensurance, on the behalfe of Symom kelsey of}
Chichester Merchant concerning his lsosse in the shipp ffrancis of}
Examined upon Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of the said Symon
[?Shep dt.]
Robert Cole of Southampton Merchant aged 22. yeares
or thereabouts a Wittnes produced and sworne, saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first Interrogatory hee sauth by Vertue of the Oath hee hath taken, That
hee this deponent did very well knowe the shipp the ffrancis interrate whereof
the interrate William Knowles was late Master and Commannder under God, at
such time as the said shipp was last at the Canary Islands, which was in
the moneths of March and Aprill last at the Islands of Teneriff and
Palma, This examinate being then aboard and belonging to the said shipp the
ffrancis, and being therein employed by the freighters of the said shipp in the
quality and Notion of joint factor for them and to and with the said William knowles
And further hee cannot depose./
To the 2. hee saith, That whilest the said shipp the ffrancis lay at Teneriff in the
moneth of March last past, shee there tooke in 65. pipes of Canarie wines
And afterwards coming from thence to the Island of Palma shee did in or about the
moneth of Aprill last past there take in and aboard her, 6. Chests of sugar
and 1200. peeces of 8/8. All which wynes, sugars and peeces of 8/8. were so