HCA 13/70 f.179r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.179r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The tenth of ffebruary 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the}

Thomas ffrizell of dunquirke Mariner, master of a
vessell named the Catherin of Ostend, aged 38 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne before the right worshippful William
Clerke and John Godolphin doctors of Lawes, Judges
of the high Court of the Admiraltie, saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath, as followeth videlicet.

Concerning his knowledge of severall shipps which hee hath lately, namely
within a monethes space or thereabouts last, seene and taken view of here
in the River of Thames, hee declareth that many of these shipps
to the number of twenty or thereabouts doe belonge at Amsterdam, Middleburgh
fflushing or some other place or port within the Jurisdiction of the States
of the United Netherlands, and that their masters and owners live there
of his certaine sight and knowledge, hee this deponent having lived at Rotterdam
above tenn yeares together ended about a twelve moneth since, at
which time hee removed to dunquirke, and while hee soe lived at
Rotterdam hee sawe many of these shipps in that port and elsewhere in
the dominions of the said States in the Netherlands as belonging to
those places, and particularly hee knoweth that the shipp the
Salamander whereof hee this deponent was master about foure
monethes since, and then left her at fflushing, is nowe in the River
of Thames, and belongeth to one Mr Glover and Mr Collins who lived at Amsterdam
and have soe lived there for diverse yeares last past and were and
are ffree Burghers of that citie, and for such commonly accompted.
And alsoe another shipp named the Mother of the sea which
is alsoe nowe in the River of Thames, belongeth to the same port
of Amsterdam and to the same persons, and that the said two shipps
are nowe lying neere the Customehouse London. And further that
there are likewise at this time many other shipps lying neere and
belowe the Customehouse, belonging to ports within the Jurisdiction
of the said States in the Netherlands, the names of which or of the
masters hee cannot at present declare.

Thomas frizell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]