HCA 13/70 f.175v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.175v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 16th day of January .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

keate Jennings and others against Alderman}
ffrederick Chewne and others Amith. Budd}

Examined upon the said allegation on the behalfe of the said
keate and others, containing 23. articles:-/


Henry Gleade of Shadwell in the parrish of Stepney
and Countie of Middlesex Chirurgion aged 20. yeares
or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
the Vessell the dart frigott arlate came to and arrived at Cyprus in or
about the moneth of May 1652. (the paarticular day this deponent remembreth not
being then, as this deponent beleeveth fully laden, and staied not in the roade of Saint helens
at Cyprus above 24. howres, so farras this deponent now remembreth), this deponent
at the same time serving aboard the shipp Thomas Bonadventure at Cyprus, and seeing the
arrivall and departure of the said dart frigott as aforesaid. And further
cannot depose./

To the seceond hee saith, That the shipp the Thomas Bonadventure arlate
was upon or about the 26th day of May 1652. fully laden at Cyprus by the
order and direction of Mr Richard Chewne who not long before was come in
the said dart friggott from Scanderoone to Cyprus (the arlate Roger ffowke
English Consull at Cyprus having also caused some goods to be laden on the
said shipp Bonadventure during the time shee remained there) and saith the said
shipp Thomas Bonadventure was not discharged from thence till about the
9th day of June 1652. at which time shee departed thence under and with the
English Convoy commannded by Captaine Bodiloe, Which the premisses hee
knowethm for that hee served as Chirurgions mate in and aboard the said shipp
Thomas Bonadventure for and during the Voiage in Controversy, but as to the
quantitie or number of tunns of goods laden in the said shipp within the time
arlate, hee saith hee hath no judgement in Tonnage and therefore cannot declare
anything in that particular. And further cannot depose./

To the 3d hee saith, That during the time the said shipp Thomas Bonad
venture was and remained at Cyprus in the months of May and June
1652. there was a rumor amongst Merchants and Mariners there, That there were about [?6]
Tripoly men of warr of great force which then hovered and lay in the
way from Cyprus for England, And saith it was and is notorious that
both then and now there was and is warr and hostilitie betwixt the
said Tripoly men of warr and the English. And further cannot depose

To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith, That within the time predeposed, there
was a generall report and beleefe amongst ffactors and Mariners then at Cypurs
That there was a very great apparence and probability of the enception of
a warr betwixt the English and hollanders and saith, That after the
said shipp Bonadventure with the Convoy aforesaid were departed from
Cyprus and come for Zant, and Cephalonia, they were there assured
that the hollanders were in actuall hostility against the English, which
assurance they received by the Constant Warwicke sent thither expressly
for the further security of the English against the hollanders then in
the straights, and very powerfull to the number of about 12. saile of