HCA 13/70 f.159r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 159 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/15 |
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depose, saving hee beleeveth it was lawfull and possible for protest to be
made as is interrate in the absence of this deponent:/:
To the 19th hee saith, That the voyage interrate is the first voyage this
deponent ever was in Turkey, and that in the quality of Purser as aforesaid,
and never knew during his aboade in those parts of any protest made as interrate
And as to the rest of the demande of this Interrogatorie this rendent saith hee
cannot depose, not being versed and experienced in the practize and Custome of
Merchants in such affaires as are interrate, saving hee beleeveth, That any
ffactor either in Turkey or elsewhere, may, if hee see occasion, make a protest
against a Master of a shipp for not obeying or complying with such factors direction
and order, though the said factor have no expresse order from his Principall so
to doe./
To the 20th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./
To the 21th hee saith, That the names of those Merchants who laded or caused
to be laden the goods interrate were Mr. Nelson, Mr Philipp Mitchell Mr Thomas Rich Mr Bray Chewne
Mr Paul Priaulx, Elizabeth harbey John Erlingsman and Mr Mann, and saith some of them were grosse
and some of them fine goods, for which the interesses at the time of their discharge at Porte fferara
payd or caused to be paid according to the usuall rate of the
Turkey Companie per Tunn, and saith some of the said goods were
galls and cotton woolls, for all which bills of lading were signed
which imported that the said goods were to be delivered at London
Repeated in Court/
The first day of January 1654 English style/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Michaell de haze and Abraham Stock}
late Owners of the vessell called the}
Successe and her tackle and furniture and}
ladeing of Coales et cetera against the vessell the}
dove of which Walter Cable is Master}
and against the sayd Cable et cetera Suckley: Smith}
Examined upon an allegation given in and admitted on the
behalfe of the sayd haze and Stock./
d Suckely
[GUTTER ?vide] the 2 [?writt]: in A3
Andrew Cristi of dover in the County of Kent Mariner
one of the Company of the Vessell the Successe aged
50 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlate Michaell de haze
and Abraham Stock during all the tyme arlate were commonly accompted and
reputed the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the arlate shipp or vessell
the Successe and of her tackle apparell and furniture and hee this deponent beleeveth
them soe to bee for that hee knoweth in the moneths aforesayd the sayd de hare and
Stock did as Owners of her sett the sayd shipp out and furnish her with all things
necessarie to goe on the voyage now in question from dover to New castle upon Tine there to lade
Coales and this deponent was by david Adamson the Master of the sayd shipp Successe
during the voyage in question hyred in the behalfe of the sayd de hare and Stock as his
Owners thereof to goe the sayd voyage, and did goe the same and thereby the better knoweth
the premisses to be true and further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./
To the second hee saith that by reason hee was one of the Company of the shipp Successe
during the voyage in question hee well knoweth that from about the 26th day of
the moneth of July last till about the 6th day of August last 1654 the sayd shipp the
Successe remayned neere new Castle upon Tyne arlate and in that tyme of her
stay there was laden with Sea Coales for the Accompt of the arlate de haze and
Stock who were the true and lawfull Owners of the sayd Coales and soe reputed And
further to this article hee cannot depose./.
To the 3: 4th and 5th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that
upon or about the sixth day of August last the Successe was fully laden with Coales
and fitt to sett sayle and did sett sayle therewith from Newcastle bound for the port of dover arlate but
in her course thitherwards upon or about the 8th day of August aforesayd being a Tuesday and about one or two of the clock in the morning
of that day (the sayd shipp Successe being then at a place called the Well and in eleven fathom water