HCA 13/70 f.149v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.149v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Assurance whatsoever to be made upon the silver or goods in the said shipp
And saith by Vertue of his said Oath, that this rendent doeth not knowe
nor doeth hee beleeve, that the letter by him predeposed, came to him from or by
any other meanes or way then directly by the poast from Antwerp the
place from whence it was, as hee is fully assured originally written and
dated. hee further saith, That hee doeth not knowe neither doeth hee
in Conscience beleeve that any of the States if their Subjects interrogated
were or are any waies interresed or concerned in the silver assured [?as]
aforesaid, nor in any other silver laden in the said three shipps or
any of them. And further cannot depose/:-

Repeated before doctor Clarke:-

Giles Vandeput [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 9th day of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of John Thomas for 141. bundles of}
redd Russia hides saved and preserved out of the}
John and Ambrose whereof Robert Church was}
Master lately cast away nere Colchester. Cheeke}

Examined upon an Allegation on the
behalf of the said John Thomas./


Christopher Oliver of Saint Catharines parrish
in the county of Middlesex Mariner aged 40. yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined/:-

To the j. 2. and 3. articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That in the moneths of September October and November last past the
allate John Thomas a Merchant of this City of London was and [?now]
is andought to be the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of about one
hundred and fourtie bundles of Redd Russia hides, and for such commonly [?XXX]
and is accompted and reputed, Which this deponent knoweth for that hee this deponent
being One of the Quartermasters of and aboard the shippp the John and Ambrose
of London being in the moneth of September last at Archangel in Russia
and bound from thence for this port of London, saw and assisted in
the lading of the said bundles of Russia hides, and at the time of the
lading thereof Robert Church the Master of the said shipp declared to this
deponent and shipps Companie, that the said hides were the proper goods
of the said John Thomas who then was in person at Archangell [?aforesaid]
and that the same were laden for his accompte to be transported for London
and there delivered to the said John Thomas or his Assigne, And further saith
That the said 140. bundles or thereabouts of Russia hides so laden as aforesaid were the last
goods that were laden and brought aboard the said shipp at Archangell,
and were stowed the uppermost of all the goods in the said shipp, and were
laden loose and not at all made up in bales, whereas all the rest of the
Russia hides laden aboard the said shipp by other men brought aboard in [?bales]
some of which were broken up after they came aboard, and were
stowed in the breadroome of the said shipp wherein they were lett, [?XXX]