HCA 13/70 f.131v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 131 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/07/25 |
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The 8th of december 1654.
The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Elizabeth of deep ffrancis Mi[?sent] master}
Examined upon an allegation
on the behalfe of his highnesse
the Lord Protector.
dt Rowe.
q. 2us in A.3.
Richard George of Melcombe Regis in the
County of dorset waiter to the Customehouse
of weymouth aged 56 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the first article hee saith that about two monethes since
and after the seizure of the said shipp the Elizabeth of deep
and her brining into Weymouth hee this deponent went there
aboard her, and had speech with some of her company who
said and confessed that shee belonged to deep and was thence
set put on her outward voyage to the Charibbe Ilands, and
that her owners were all ffrench men living in deep and subiects
of the ffrench kinge, and that shee had taken in all the
lading which was seized in her at the Charibbe Ilands to be carried
to deep fopr and upon accompt of ffrenchmen subiects of the
ffrench kinge, and that when shee was taken shee was sailing
to deepe there to dischardge her lading, and would have gonne
thither if shee had not bin taken or to the same effect.
Rich: george [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 9th of december 1654.
Touching oiles said to be}
wanting in the little}
Rowe dt.
Gilbert Woodman of the parish of Olaves Southwarke
lighterman aged 31 yeares or thereabouts sworne before the
right william Clerke doctor of laws one of the Judges
of this Court saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet
That hee this deponent was imployed as a lighterman under
Ambrose Pomeroy in the carrying ashore of the oiles taken and [?discharged]
out of the shipp the Little Lewes a prize lying at Blackwall about
three monethes since, and that this deponent received and st[?owed] some
lighters full of the said oiles and carried and delivered the same ashore
at the Customehouse key, and hee deposeth that there was
noe embeazelment or diminution made of the said oiles after the same
came out of the said shipp by him this deponent, nor doth hee
knowe of any embeazeld, purloined or any waies taken or [?XXX GUTTER]
made away by any person whatsoever, but that all such oiles
as were received into the lighters laden and st[?owed] by this deponent
and whereof hee tooke chardge were duely and [XXXXX GUTTER]
landed and dischardged at the Custome house key aforesaid.
The marke of
Gilbert Woodman[MARKE, RH SIDE]