HCA 13/70 f.126r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.126r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and came first on board her att Amsterddam And further saving his
foregoeing deposition where to he referreth himselfe he cannot depose

To the 11. 12. 13. and 14th hee saith he knoweth nothing thereof.



The same day Examined upon the sayd Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]


Rem Jacobson of Crommen[?ee]rsdyk in holland mariner
Boatswayne of the sayd shipp the Saint Michael. aged
thirty yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith
as followeth, videlicet.

To the 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5th Interrogatories he saith the sayd shipp doth belong
to Amsterdam but her Owners he knoweth not And saith she tooke in
her presente lading, which is salt att Brouaye in ffrance from whence
the sayd shipp came directly before the seizure, and was then
bound to haver de Grace in ffrance there to discharge: the quantity
or price of the sayd salt the lader consignatory freight or accompt
thereof, or of any writings touching the sayd salt, or this present
voyage he for his part knoweth not nor can depose any thereto
onely he heard the steersman say that upon the seizure of
the sayd shipp by the English he threw some letters overboard
that were directed to be delivered att havre de Grace aforsayd;
And further or otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 6. and 7th he saith the sayd shipp hath two gunns about fifty pounds of
powder one bundle match. Sixe musketts, four Cables, three great
anchors with a warp Anchor a double suit of sayles, and
other furniture and provisions [?concenient]. And further
knoweth not.

To the 8. 9. and 10th hee saith he is Boatswain of the sayd shipp
and came first aboard att Amsterdam, and further saving as aforesayd he
cannot depose

To the 11. 12. 13. 14th hee saith he knoweth nothing thereof.



The 6th day of November. 1654. [CENTRE HEADING

On behalfe of his Highnes the Lord Protector}
against the Watching Crane aforesayd}


Wilhelm Hendrickson of fflushing in Zealand Mariner
Boatswayn of the sayd shipp the Watching Crane
aged 21. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath as followeth

To the 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5th Interrogatories he saith that Gleyn Ollart
and Company all Inhabitants of fflushing were and are Owners