HCA 13/70 f.120r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.120r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aged 35 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the said allegation hee saith that of his this deponents knowledge
the allegate Arnold Leon is an Inhabitant of Leege allegate and
is a burgher there and keepes a shopp there as a burger thereof and soe
hath done for these tenne yeares last past and before, the presmisses hee
knoweth for that hee this deponent hath traded withim during the sayd [?XXX] and sold him
divers Commodities by way of Merchandize, and allwaies consigned
them to be delivered to him there, And this deponent within the tyme predeposed
hath nin divers tymes at his house in Leege aforesayd videlicet about tenn yeares last past, and
about three yeares last past, and about a twelvemonth last past, and thereby
knoweth him to be an Inhabitant there, and saith the sayd Leege is
a towne and Country under the subiection and Government of the Bishopp
of Cullen and the sayd Arnold Leon is the sayd Bishopps subiect
and soe hath bin during the tyme aforesayd and for such is commonly
reputed And further hee cannot depose./

To the Interrogatorries./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath knowne the sayd Arnold Leon
for these 10 yeares last past and last sawe him at the Spawe in the
principality of Leege about a twelvemoneth since, and saith hee is a maarried
man and about the age 47 or 48 yeares, and saith hee hath heard and
beleeveth that the sayd Arnold Leon was born at Leige, and that his father also
lived there but what his fathers name was hee knoweth not And otherwise
saving hs foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the second Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively for his parte noe knoweth any
thing touching the contents of this Interrogatorie./

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith hee never received any letters to the effect Interrogated/

Repeated with his contest before doctor
Clarke and doctor Godolphin/



The 6th day of September 1654/ [CENTRE HEADINg]

On the behalfe of Samuell Bromwell and}
partner touching their losses in the}
shipp John Adventure Eustace Smith}
master, by the Portugueses.}


Samuel Bromwell of Ipswich in the County
of Suffolke Mariner aged 24 yeares or
thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull
William Clerke and John Godolphin doctors of lawes
Judges of the high Court of Admiralty saith
and deposeth

That hee this deponent and one Robert Brommell his brother were
two of the Mariners belonging to the shipp the John Adventure