HCA 13/70 f.118r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 118 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/10 |
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did by reason of the disaster aforesaid necessarily expend to the best of
this deponents Judgment about two or three and twenty pounds sterling for
the hoysting out of the broken boltspritt, setting up the new one; and
repairing of it when it was crackt, and beleeveth not that the same could
be procured to be done for a lesser summe. he premisses hee deposeth
upon the reasons aforesaid, And further cannot depose:-/
To the 7th hee saith, The said shipp the Margaret being arrived at
Virginia was there, as this deponent remembreth, retarded and hindred for
about 5. or 5. dayes from her homewards voyage, by reason they were
constrained to stay there so much longer then they need to have done expressely
for the procuring fitting and putting in of a new boltspritt in the said shipp in
the place of the other so crackd as aforesaid, by meanes of which retardation
this deponent beleeveth the arlate Cranley and Companie sustained losse and
Dammage, but the valew thereof this deponents aith hee cannot estimate
And otherwise hee cannot depose:-/
To the 8th hee saith hee hath heard that on the behalfe of the said Crandley
and Companie satisfaction hath bin demanded of the said White for
the dammages sustained by the meanes aforesaid, but that hee hath and
doeth refuse to give any manner of reparation to them, And further
referring himselfe to the Acts of this Court, hee saith hee cannot depose:
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated before doctor Clerke and
doctor Godolphin:-/
Tho:s [MARKE] Wills:-/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day examined upon the said Allegation
Rp. 3,.us/
Richard Simmonds of Wapping in the parish of
Stepney in the Countie of Middlesex Cooper aged 53:
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith
as followeth videlicet:-/
To the first second third and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee saith That hee
hath knowne the shipp the Margarett arlate (Robert ffoxe arlate
Master) for about 18. moneths last past, having for all that time belonged to
her as Cooper, and saith That the arlate Benjamin Crandley Arthur
Bailey and Companie have for the time predeposed bin and are
commonly and generally observed knowne and reputed the true and
lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp her tackle and
furniture, And saith That about the moneth of October 1653. last
past, this deponent was present and assistant when the said shipp
was graved and hauled off from Mr. Tailor the shipp-wrights wayes