HCA 13/70 f.111v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.111v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aboard the sayd shipp being all [?XXXX] fifteene pounds ffor
Charges to severall persons and others that helped to take the
Brimstone our of the said shipp for the space of two dayes
fifteene pounds. The premisses he hath deposed seeing the
sayd dammage done as aforesayd and well observing the severall
particulars lost and damnifyed in manner by him predeposed
and to the severall values aforesayd as he verily beleeveth.
And further deposeth not.

Stephane + Romanelle
his marke [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The twenty day of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]


Simon Bonicellj of the citie of Venice, late Purser
of the said shipp the Angelo Custada, aged six and
twenty yeares or thereabouts, sworne, examined and
Interpreted as aforesaid, saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath as followeth, videlicet

That the sayd ship the Angelo Custode whereof his
precontest Stephane Romanello as Commander departed from the City
and Port of Venice in or about the moneth of Aprill last past
1654. with her lading of [?Salphur], annis seeds, Currants, Almonds
and Rice putt on board for certayne merchants of Venice and to be
transported to hamburgh, and there delivered, And saith that by
reason of the many longe calmes which the sayd shipp mett with all there
provisions of victualls were spent before she came into the English
Channell, so as to furnish her selfe with bread flesh and other provisi=
ons she was forced to putt into the downes on or about the [?XXXXXX GUTTER]
day of August last past old stile, and whilest she lay there in taking
in victualls videlicet upon the eighteenth day of the sayd month [?at ?XX GUTTER]
night there happened a violent storme att sea by meanes whereof
a fflemish Pinq that lay there broke from her anchors and sell upon
the Angelo Custod[?e] without any possibility of avoyding her, and brake
downe the head and boltspritt of the Angelo Custod[?e] and carryed
the same with the yards sayles and tackle thereof into the sea so as [?they GUTTER]
perished and are utterly lost. And the sayd storme continued till the
next day in the morning whereof another dutch or fflemish [?shipp GUTTER]
came fowle of the Angelo Custod[?e], and to prevent her perishing and
splitting asunder by the dashing of the sayd fflemmish Pinq against [?XX XXX GUTTER]
sayd Romanelles this deponent and Company were forced and did cut [?the GUTTER]
Cables, and leave their anchors in the sea, and that [?afterwards GUTTER]
the sayd storme still continueing, a third fflemish vessell [?XX XXX GUTTRT]