HCA 13/70 f.101v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 101 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 30/09/2014 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_4249.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/09/30 |
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Kinge and his subiects and that the sayd Woodgreene and Company accordingly
did sett out and imploy the sayd Affrican ffrigott upon the sayd designe
the premises hee knoweth being Masters Mate of the sayd ffrigot and on board her during
the whole voyage in question and having often seene the sayd
Commission And further saving his subsequent depositions
hee cannot depose./
To the second article of the sayd allegation hee saith that about the
24th day of March last past the arlate Isaac Woodgreene in his ship
the Affrican ffrigot aforesaid did upon the high and open seas neere
the Island of Scio arlate meete with surprize and take the ship Madam
Guardiana arlate and her lading, which ship as Peter Martyn
a ffrenchman the Master or Commander of her and others of the sayd shipps
Company have in the presence of this deponent confessed and acknow=
ledged was a ffrench ship belonging to Marselles in ffrance, and that
shee and all her ladeing (except a smale parcel of dollars which were laded
on board her for Accompte of an English Merchant) did belonge to
ffrenchmen subiects of the ffrench king, And hee alsoe saith the sayd
Woodgreene after the seizure of the sayd ffrench ship, standing in
neede of provisions of victuals, and having other occasions thither did
in his sayd ship the Affrican ffrigot goe with the sayd ffrench ship soe
taken for Smirna where the sayd Peter Martyne and all the rest
of the Mariners of the sayd ffrench ship got on shoare and soe put
them selves under the protection of the ffrench Consull there and by
that meanes got them selves shipped into other shipps of their owne
Nation then lying there soe that the sayd Woodgreene could not get any
of them againe to bring them to England to be examined And further
hee cannot depose not being with the sayd Woodgreene when hee desired
the Consull to permit him to have any of them to bring for England to bee
here examined./
To the third and 4th articles of the sayd allegation this deponent saith the arlate
ship Madam Gardiana at her seizure was and is a ffrench built ship
and manned with ffrench men subiects of the ffrench King and saith hee heard
the sayd Peter Martyns and others of the sayd shipps company in a broken language
called the Lingua ffranca (which this deponent understandeth) say as is predeposed that
the sayd ship belonged to Marselles aforesaid and that it and her lading (except before
excepted) belonged to ffrench men subiects of the ffrench King And further hee
cannot depose not being present at any Confession made upon Oath by the sayd
Martynes before the English Consull at Smyrna nor seeing him subscribe the
schedule arlate./
Repeated before doctor Clarke and
doctor Godolphin/
Jasper Devenish [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]