HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.14v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.14v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Sayd shipp the Samoson sett sayle from Cadiz with the sayd moneyes and
plate aboard her and in her course to Ostend was taken and seized by
some of the shipps of this Commonwealth by manners whereof the sayd
moneys and plate came into the possesion of the takers, this deponent
comeing as a passenger aboard the St George John Martine joorg[?] master
which sayled along in company with the Sampson from Ostend and [?]
he cannot depose.

To the sixth he saith that the sayd Paulus Cabriso[?} by comon repute is a
fflandrian borne and a merchant and Inhabitant in Bridges in fflanders
and then hath his family, and hath lived all his tyme. And further
he cannot depose.

To the seventh arlate of the sayd allegation soe[?] saith and deposeth that the aforesaid
plate and moneyes were truly bought and payd for by the sayd Paula
Cobriso[?} in manner as aforesayd and for his use and accompt, and he
alone was to runn[?} and did doth runn the hazard and adventure
thereof And saith he knoewth the promises[?} to be true for there[?} [?}
aforesayd. And further he cannot depose.

To the eight article of the sayd allegation he saith his depositions are true
and further cannot depose.

To the Cros[?} Interries.
To the 1st negatively.

To the 2-3- and 4th he saith the sayd Paulus Cobrise is a fflandrian and hath
lived in Bridges in fflanders by comon repute all his tyme, and this Rondent[?}
hath knowne him by sight 9 monthes thus and by correpondencyes 8 years And
saith that Pedro Manarro[?] and Perdro Cabuo[?] are both Spaniards and
Inhabitants of Cadiz and are the producente factors[?} and were the tyme
interate in Company with this deponent and Otto George att Cadiz and
went aboard the Sampson with the sylver and moneys in question, and
further saith that he hath knowne Pedro Navarro about 13 months
and Pedro Calvo 12 years, for all which tyme he hath had his family
in Cadiz. And further he cannot depose.

To the 5th he sait hthat the names of the factors who laded the sayd sylver
and moneyes were and are Pedro navarro and Pedro Calvo and [?}
did lade the same in the day tyme. And further being not aboard
att the tyme of lading he cannot depose.

To the 6th he saith he was present and saw Pedro de Campo purser of the
Sampson signe the bills of lading interrie upon or about the 8th
day of October 1652 in the house of Pedro Calvo aforesayd in Cadiz

To the 7th he saith he doth not know or believe that the true bills of
lading interrate annexed to the allegation are fictitious and to [?] able. But he
believeth that some bills of lading for moneyes and sylver belonging
to this deponent and his contest in this cause John Mescia de [?} use
the names of Pauley Cabriso of Bridges and ffancis Sloyer of hamburg
are colourably made use of (as by an allegation given into this court on the
behalfe of this deponent, and this deponentes deposition upoon the [?] [?} [?]
of the sayd John Muscia de [?] [?] in the registry of this
court on ay [?]) were found aboard the sayd shipp the Sampson at
the tyme of seizue and further he cannot depose.

To the 8. and 9th her saith that he saw Pedro Manavvo and Pedro Calvo with[?]
the Bills of lading mention to have laden the sayd sylver and moneys [?]
the sayd sylver and moneyes with them in a boat towards the sayd shippe
and further being not aboard att the tyme of lading he cannot depose

To the 10th he saith he knoweth nothing thereof

To the 11th negatively to every [?] thereof

To the 12-13-14- and 15th he saith that Pedro Calvo on of the four