HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.10r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.10r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and is the [?] of part of the sayd English manufacturer, And further
saith that he saw the sayd barre of sylver weighed and marked and the sayd
moneys told bagged upp and seated, and brought the sayd sylver and
moneys from the sayd Indies to Cadiz and there delived the same
to Pedro Calvo the producents goods aforementioned. And further he cannot

To the third Article of the sayd Allegation this deponent saith that the sayd
Pedro Calvo accompaied with Pedro Navard another of the Producente factors for and in the name of the sayd Paulus Cobriso and as his
Agent in the month of October 1652 did for the Accompt of the sayd
Paulus Cobrisy att Cadiz in Spaine lade and putt on board the arlate
shipp the St George whereof John Martine [?] is master all and
singular the plate and moneys above specifyed mentioned and expressed
in the sayd two bills of lading, to be carryed and transported from Cadiz
in the sayd shipp to Ostend and there to be delived to the sayd Paulus
Cobriso or his Agents for his use and Accompt the reason of this deponents
knowledge in the promises[?] is that he saw the sayd Pedro Calvo take and
putt the sayd sylver and money into a board or barke to carry the same with
him aboard the sayd shipp St George riding in the bay of Cadiz and saith
that upon the returne of the sayd Pedro Calvo to shoare att Cafiz the sayd
Calvo told this deponent that he had laden the sayd sylver and moneys for
the Accompt aforesayd. and accordingly showed this deponent a note under
the hand of the master of the sayd shipp for the receipt of the sayd sylver
and moneys aboard his sayd shipp St GEorge. and further having his
subsequant depositions he cannot depose.

To the fourth Article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
that after the lading of the plate and moneys aforesayd aboard the arlate
shipp the St GEorge the arlate John Martine in the presence and sigt of
this deponent signed six bills of lading for the same that is to say there
of one [?] for the sayd two first mentioned barrs weighing 217 markes
and six ounces, and there of one [?] for the two other barrs weighing
243 markes, and the sayd ten baggs of money. And saith that two of
the sayd Bills, of oath [?] one, were left in the Custody of the sayd John
MArtine and were afterwards by him carryed aboard his sayd shipp. And saith
that four more of the sayd Bills were taken into the hands of Pedro Calvo
aforesayd that is to say two of eact [?], and the sayd Pedro Calvo did
afterwards send two of them [?] of oath [?] one to Paulus Carisy
by land to fflanders [?] the same accordingly as himself
hath since acquainted this deponent. And further saith that the sayd
two bills of lading to the allegation annexed were and are two of the
aforesayd origionall Bills signed in this deponents sight as aforesayd, And
were and are [?] [?] and the [?} bills as this deponent
beleiveth sent to Paulus Cobrisy for Cadiz by land as aforesaid. And
further he cannot depose.

To the fifth Article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith that after the
ladeing the sayd sylver and moneys on board the sayd shipp St George
att Cadiz aforesayd the sayd shipp did depard and see sayal [?] towards
Ostend and in her Course thither was mett with and taken by [?]